Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fun With Bombardier

Western Canada voted against itself and now I'm having fun watching Ottawa dump money into the province of Quebec.  So far a billion dollars has gone to Bombardier via the Quebec  government and another billion is on its way. Never mind the fact that Bombardier is now a penny stock and may be headed for de-listing and bankruptcy.

At the same time I suspect that bridges and highways in Western Canada that were under construction will be abandoned in whatever state they found themselves on Election Day.  Albertans who clamored onto the Liberal bandwagon in the Federal Election are now unemployed and losing their homes.

It may be an old saying, but it's universally true.  We do reap what we sow.


The Chinese Enigma

The West will never understand the dictatorial slave mentality of the Chinese people.  For centuries China has been at odds with its Japanese neighbors.  In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan launched a new era in Chinese Japanese relations.

Since Fukushima, China has completed the construction of huge inland cities in anticipation of a total meltdown of the Japanese nuclear complex. These Chinese cities, now known as ghost cities, sit empty awaiting occupation by citizens from threatened Chinese coastal ports.

The Chinese city building enterprise extracted resources from across the entire planet and produced a world wide economic bubble that is now in the process of collapsing.  Greedy Wall Street bankers do not understand this, and assume that the Chinese recession is momentary.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

This giant miscalculation by the West has spawned mega bankruptcies among energy and resource producers, and has the potential to lead us into a protracted world-wide depression.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Canada Slumps On The World Stage

Most third world despots come with bogus educational credentials handed out by Harvard University in the United StatesCanada is not so lucky.  We now send forth as our Prime Minister, a part-time elementary school teacher who represents us in the realm of international politics.

Canadians bought his schoolroom mumbo jumbo, hook, line and sinker, but it doesn't make much of an impression at international conferences. You can almost see audience members cringe.  Canada doesn't say much for Canada.


Blackmail...It's All In A Word

The Bible tells us that the truth will be revealed in the end times.  Some words shout at us to be parsed and understood.  The word “blackmail” is one of these words.

In the media, blacks are fictitiously portrayed for our children as key players running our world.  Black judges, black stock brokers, black engineers, black architects, black astrophysicists and more.

To add insult to ignorance, blacks tell us which words in our English language they find offensive.  We capitulate and stop using these words.

We whites, who invented the English language are now so totally brain dead that non-whites are able to discredit and disenfranchise us completely in our own language in the world that we created.

Now you know why the word blackmail includes the word black.


Gender Equity In Canada

In Canada, when seeking employment, fairness trumps qualifications (merit).  We don't choose the best engineer to build a bridge.  Instead we choose a person of the correct gender.

The other day a new ($100 million) bridge irrevocably failed in the province of Ontario.  Not to worry though. Gender equity is never mentioned when a bridge falls down, even if you happen to be on it when it bites the dust.

And there is more good news.  LGBTQ equity is new too, so you can choose whichever gender suits the specs for a position as offered.  It's only fair.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Trouble With Trump

In the United States, Donald Trump comes to us from a background of integrity based on the teachings of Christ.  Mitt Romney emerged from an ethical Christian upbringing. Sarah Palin comes from still another Christian base.  Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper comes from a similar background.  Today, all are outcasts in North American politics.

Across the entire planet, the Christian calling has been replaced by a totally demonic meme.  Those of us who follow Christ are ostracized in our world and assassinated in the tribal world.  That's the trouble with Trump.


What Trump Isn't

Trump is not a lesbian. Heck, he is not even a woman. Trump is not gay. He is not transsexual.  He is not a Muslim. Not black. Not Mexican. Not a liar. Not a druggie and not a Catholic.

What are his chances? You do the math.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

America's Fair Weather Friends

Warren Buffet made his fortune by outsourcing American jobs.  The first company he wrecked in the United States was Berkshire Hathaway.  Americans had produced beautiful shirts at Berkshire Hathaway.  Buffet outsourced Berkshire Hathaway jobs to China.

More recently, Walmart made its fortune in the United States by selling trinkets produced by the Chinese.  Now that outsourcing has destroyed the U.S. economy, Walmart is shutting down and moving offshore.
Buffet and Walmart.  America's Fair Weather Friends.


Trudeau Struggles With Refugees

During his tenure as Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper managed to bring 25,000 new Canadians into the country every month.

By contrast, Canada's new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has struggled to bring 10,000 Syrians to Canada since his election in October 2015.

Canada's state broadcaster, known as the CBC, loves Justin Trudeau and hates former Prime Minister Harper.  Perhaps this is because Prime Minister Trudeau meets new arrivals at the airport.

Or it could be the hair?


Callings And Memes

Oxford University Professor Richard Dawkins has put a modern spin on the word "calling", and  renamed it "meme". To my way of thinking, his word "meme", is simply a godless equivalent of the word calling.

One is “called” by the gift of faith and faith in turn embraces the concept of integrity. The word "meme" more often than not is used to describe the replication of negative (evil) ideas or concepts.

Professor Dawkins comes from an era when most of us were "called", but unfortunately he was not numbered among us. He therefore has no understanding of the meaning of the word as it relates to faith. In the absence of faith, Professor Dawkins has substituted atheism.

Since atheism does not imply integrity, Professor Dawkins is left with no rudder on his ship. Those of us who heard the call created the world that Professor Dawkins now criticizes. Without integrity drawn of faith, contracts cannot exist and the sacred US Constitution is meaningless.

Those of us who were called to Christ built the New World. Atheism has generated nothing of consequence and has violated most of the standards by which our modern utopia came to be.

Today, those of us who follow Christ are in a rapid state of decline, and persecuted by the new prevailing majority, atheists and agnostics. For the moment, the world belongs to Professor Dawkins, but atheism paves the road to tribalism.  A tribal Islamic meme is now sweeping the world, and Islam makes short work of atheists, gays, Christians and all other infidels.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Clean Air In NDP Alberta

The female NDP Premier of Alberta promised to impose a crippling 3 billion dollar carbon tax on Alberta oil and gas producers. She said it would clean up their air.

Turns out that she was right about cleaner air, and it’s cleaner by the minute as producers shut down one after another.

What about the three billion dollar carbon tax rip off?  Sorry, no. That will not happen.  Just lay offs everywhere as industry runs for the hills.  You cannot draw blood from a stone.

No oil.  No smoke.  No jobs. Just oodles of clean air for the NDP airheads in Alberta.


Babel In Dubai

When the Egyptians built the pyramids they were clad in beautiful white marble. When the Arabs in Dubai built the tallest building in the world, it was clad in highly flammable white plastic.

Its sister building, the Address Downtown Hotel was also clad in flammable plastic, and it went up like a torch. Now I am waiting for the tallest building in the world to catch fire.

When it happens, Americans will eventually realize that the infernos in Dubai mirror the Twin Tower disasters that brought down New York City's tallest buildings. Ironically, the Twin Towers came down at the hands Arab terrorists.


To Stephen Harper: Canada's Greatest PM

The American Dream peaked in this Age with President Ronald Reagan.  Today the U.S. is rapidly sliding into tribal anarchy.  Canada’s Golden Age reached its zenith during your years as our Prime Minister.  Mr. Harper, you made it happen for Canada.

In the end, you were left standing alone at the helm.  One way or another, before the 2015 Federal Election, Canada lost Doug Findley, Jim Flaherty, Vic Toews, Dean Del Mastro, Julian Fantino, John Baird, James Moore and Peter MacKay.

Most of these great Canadians had Prime Ministerial aspirations and I’m sure they all deeply respected your leadership.  I conclude that Senior Cabinet Ministers and their families were shaken to the core by events that left them overwhelmed and without options.  Careers and dreams were sacrificed.

Our great country is in peril.  You and yours were brave to remain proudly standing throughout the 2015 ordeal.  You changed the World for the better and you valiantly struggled to rescue Canada from itself.

Time now to take a quiet break, pull up a comfortable chair and read Ayn Rand’s best selling novel, Atlas Shrugged.  You are a true twenty-first century hero.


Alberta Morphs From Rugged To Socialist

Alberta hasn't always been a province of pretty people.  Not long ago, Albertans where known for their rugged individuality and sound management.

The newly elected socialist NDP government has managed to do so much financial damage so quickly that it must now impose a wage freeze on its own employees.  As you can well imagine, the nit wits are angry about this.  Now I am waiting to see what they will do when they are laid off on mass.
Stupidity always leads to poverty.  Albertans voted for it.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Beauty Or The Best

In our modern world of gender equality and hetero phobia, aesthetics trump utility every time.  This might help to explain why a “beautiful” 6 week old hundred million dollar bridge has failed in Northern Ontario. As it turns out, this bridge is on a stretch of highway that provides the only road link between Eastern and Western Canada.  The bridge is critically damaged, but it is beautiful.  Cross it at your peril.

At every level of government, Canadians insist on electing beautiful people. It's sad in a way, because beautiful people can't run our ageing railways or our half century old nuclear plants.  These were constructed in a masculine world foreign to today's beautiful generation, and they tend to fail or explode when mismanaged by beautiful souls.


Flint Flounders

You remember Flint, Michigan. It's the city that single handedly destroyed General Motors, once the greatest corporation on earth.  Michael Moore is famous for rescuing Flint the way President Obama rescued Detroit.

As it turns out, Detroit can no longer produce municipal water sufficient for its own use, so Detroit has cut off its supply of water to the city of Flint. Turns out that nobody in Flint is bright enough to figure out how to provide clean water for the city. They simply cannot get the lead out of their water and so they have declared an emergency. So far Michael Moore has not shown up to rescue the helpless souls floundering in Flint.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Water Is The Key

Every great civilization on earth has developed in close proximity to an abundant supply of fresh water. Our present age is no exception. It is unfortunate indeed that in the past 50 years, greedy humans have learned how to meddle with the delicate fresh water balance on our planet.

Hot nuclear waste in profusion has been dumped into oceans across the world.  As a result, ocean temperatures have begun to rise. The problem is not about to go away. It will take an estimated one hundred thousand years to cool the waste already in place. To make matters worse, more waste is dumped every day from operating nuclear reactors with no sign of curtailment in the works.

So now we have what I would call Nuclear El Nino.  Some countries and continents are in perpetual drought, while others are drowning in fresh water that will never stop arriving as this age comes to a close.  All of this driven by ocean water heated by hot nuclear waste.

In North America, Nuclear El Nino has the Mississippi Valley going under water as I write.  Today, political capabilities have sunk to a point where no one has the ability to develop the infrastructure required to harness this fresh water, which would be a blessing in other areas on the planet.

North Americans now prefer tribal leadership. We all get what we vote for.


Obama To The Rescue

U.S. President Obama might just make America whole again in his upcoming State of the Union message this evening. He has promised to speak about the future.  I suspect that he will tell Americans about his intention to make use of an executive order to cancel term limits for the presidency.

Americans will breathe a sigh of relief at the news. Tribal America is tired of democracy, tired of the U.S. Constitution and tired of making decisions about brain dead presidential candidates.

Later on, as the election date draws near, the President will take the opportunity to cancel presidential elections altogether.  Americans will roll over and go back to sleep while their world crumbles around them.


Friday, January 08, 2016

Canada: Calgary Leads The Way

Calgary was first to vote out Canada's oil barons. Next it was the province of Alberta that rejected traditional Oil and Gas management. A new NDP provincial government chose to impose a 3 billion dollar carbon tax on the oil and gas industry in the midst of an enormous commodity price collapse.

There was still one more shoe to drop. In a recent Federal Election, Canadians rejected Conservative leadership out of Alberta in favor of a Liberal Prime Minister out of Quebec. Our new Liberal Prime Minister has promised a gigantic spending spree, but there is a problem.

As it turns out, tax revenue from the Alberta oil industry was paying most of Canada's bills. Calgary prospered on tax revenue from oil and gas. The province of Alberta lived by its taxation oil and gas profits. At all levels of government Canadians have chosen to kill the golden goose.

I'll bet you voted Liberal.


Proportional Representation in Canada?

Canada's fledgling Liberal government had promised a referendum on the subject of a change to voting on the basis of “proportional representation”, discarding Canada's traditional “first past the post” electoral system.  First past the post had effectively allowed for the evolution of the greatest nation on earth in this age, the United States of America.

In Canada, I estimate that 99% of the population, live in the cities which represent 1% the land area in the country. Proportional representation will mean that in future years, Canadians living anywhere but in the cities will go without representation at the voting booth.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, since the election, has announced that he will proceed with proportional representation without the inconvenience of calling for a referendum. Let me guess. You voted for Prime Minister Trudeau.


Skimming The Cream

Canada's previous Conservative government had made strict rules limiting corporate contributions to political parties. The fledgling Trudeau Liberal government wasted no time in seeking 50 million dollars from Canadian corporations to pay for a refugee immigration scheme.

Can you imagine the political uproar that would have occurred if Conservative Prime Minister Harper had made a similar request of our corporations?
