Friday, January 30, 2015

Oil And Currencies As Weapons

When financial markets bought into the myth that salvage fracking makes the U.S. a World oil industry contender, the U.S. dollar soared and other World currencies tanked like penny stocks.  The extent of the negative impact on vulnerable countries (e.g. Greece) is impossible to calculate.  Bankruptcies?  Uncontrolled murderous chaos?

But the sh… kicking was only just beginning.  Next, Saudi Arabia launched a thrust to put U.S. frackers into receivership by slashing the price of oil by fifty percent.  This unprecedented travesty shook the entire planet.

Here in Canada, with the Loonie in freefall our Central Bank saw fit to cut interest rates rather than defend the currency.  Even the strongest World economies are scrambling to stay ahead of the madness of the super rich and super greedy.

Yes, mental midgets have bullied their way into the driver’s seat on our tiny planet. Yes, Americans voted to help it happen.  No, the World cannot withstand this lawless violence in financial markets.

Now here is the bad news.  There is nobody left to fix the problem.  The U.S. is a Third World Country, and Canadians will soon follow the Americans by voting for Sharia.

The World does not deserve Romney and Harper.  Romney is laughing at us today.  I hope that Harper gets to do the same.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

No Cartoons Please

Primitive tribal Islam is violently imploding on itself all over the World.  Muslims do not need the west to light the fuse.

The reasons for their hopeless chaos?  Population pressure, starvation, drought, disease, tribal genocide and more. Why on earth would anyone publish vitriolic cartoons or anything else to fan the tribal flames in the face of such overwhelming tragedy?


Obama Out Of Bounds

U.S. President Obama and his media entourage flit around the planet attracted to crowds like moths to bright lights in the distance.  Any crowd will do … Gay Pride in Germany, Republic Day in India … but wait.  What about the Hajj, you know, at Mecca?

It’s a great place to meet Community Organizers.  No cameras allowed?


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fun With QE

I suspect that Goldman and Jamie Demon (on Wall Street) have a crapload of worthless Greek Government debt on their books, and Greece will soon go belly up.  Somebody will have to pay.  Nobody screws with the crooks on Wall Street.

Voila!  Suddenly  the European Central Bank is launching it’s own massive Quantitative Easing {QE} Program to print Euros and buy up……. the worthless Greek paper at Goldman??

Helps to explain why the Euro took a bath on what should have been a bullish QE announcement for Europe.  It’s enough to piss off the Pope.


The Racists At MacLeans

MacLeans Magazine  points out that Aboriginals account for seventeen percent of the population of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba .  They go on to tell us that this makes Winnipeg the most “aboriginal” city in Canada,  Then they conclude that we are also the most racist city in the country.

Stop for a moment and connect the dots.  Sounds to me like someone is claiming that Indians are racists.  Perhaps MacLeans should go looking for English road signs in Montreal.


Ukraine Down The Drain

I suspect that the Gobi, Sahara and other huge ancient deserts are the radiated wastelands left over from giant nuclear accidents in ages before our own.  Today, systematic demolition in the Ukraine foreshadows the emergence of a future desert in the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl   nuclear accident.

Before long, demolition will begin in post-Fukushima Japan.  The island will be abandoned.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Obama Spins

You probably didn’t notice that the U.S. President was suddenly on his way to… India five minutes after he learned that the Muslim King of Saudi Arabia was dead.  You probably didn’t stop to ask why the entire world media was shut out of the Royal funeral in Saudi Arabia.

You didn’t notice that there is absolutely NO video of camera-hungry Obama in India.  My guess?  I  suspect that President Obama went to the Saudi funeral and never intended to go to India.  At least he has admitted his intention to bow low to the new Saudi King while he is in the Arab Kingdom.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky, and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?


The Ancient Wisdom Of Apartheid?

Canadian Indians and our Muslim immigrants come from different Worlds, but consistently speak with one voice in expressing their distain for Judeo-Christian justice - Rule of Law.

In days now long past, our legal system stood on a balanced foundation of faith-based integrity, and I was certain that ours was the correct path for all concerned.  But our faith has died, and I no longer believe that we have the integrity to save the World.  Having said this, I also recognize that Judeo-Christians will never volunteer for Tribal Judgment, whether Native or Sharia.

I think that all parties have agreed to disagree.  We cannot live together.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Terror: Canada On The Edge

Many years ago, Canada foolishly yielded up Federal control over immigration into the French speaking Province of QuebecQuebec immediately proceeded to shut out all applicants who could not speak French.  Residents of France were amused, but French speaking African countries were happy to oblige, and planes have been arriving from Africa fully loaded ever since.

Only now are Canadians waking up to realize that many of these French speaking African countries are Muslim.  Under Canada’s previous Liberal Government, a refugee who listed his or her occupation as “Terrorist” was welcomed into the country.

But the story gets stranger.  Canada bars all but those who speak “Quebec French” from Civil Service employment.  So Muslim residents of Quebec who are just off the plane from Africa are in, and tenth generation Canadians are languishing on our unemployment lines.  A Muslim Civil Service ahead?

Finally, as I write, Canadians may be Hell Bent to elect another loosey-goosey pot smoking Liberal Government.  Will Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau convert to Islam?  He is understandably silent watching France writhe in agony as it pays the price for its own myopic preference for French speaking immigrants.


You Don't/Cannot Understand

I complain alot in my blogs, but please do not assume that I have any interest in changing your behavior even slightly.  I am old.  The “just” world that I remember no longer exists today.  You did not get to see it, so it is not surprising that you don’t know how tragic your loss has been.  But your blindness goes much deeper than that.

Our past hunger for freedom and justice was a gift that sprang from a genetic level.  I call it the “Christ Gene”.  Sad to say that the Christ gene simply was not passed along to your generation.  If you think that Christ is a joke, you number among the overwhelming majority of young voters who gleefully elect tribal leaders and pot smokers.  In the absence of the Christ gene, His words are parables and you cannot understand them.

Aging pastors today are waiting for what they call the “Raptures”, when followers of Christ will be called away leaving the Earth in chaos.  Sorry, but the Raptures are all but over.  The “Christ Gene” is dying with my generation.  We seniors are a fading remnant.
Look around you.  You are living in chaos as I write, and it’s only just beginning.  It’s your World now.


Monday, January 19, 2015

America: From Justice To Judgment

U.S. Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama knows that loyal Muslims have been promoted to the highest ranks in the U.S. military.  Given this reality and the recent Obama command to “Ask and Tell”, it is surprising that we have seen only one U.S. military mass murder and one Twitter cyber attack since the President asked his own in the military to tolerate what Islam considers to be cause for martyrdom.

Most computer boards and control chips used in the U.S. military weapons come from Arab and/or Asian countries and run on their software.  This is a GIANT lapse in U.S. security that invites retaliation for humiliation of their Prophet.

The U.S. military is the most powerful in the world.  Sad to see America at risk of attacking its own citizens.  Pushed beyond the brink.


Ottawa Fiddles ...

Not long ago, Canada’s seat of Government was brought to its knees by a crazed Muslim with a hunting rifle.  What has changed since then?  In security terms, nothing.  But things are happening in the real world.  Our brightest MPs are making plans to leave.

Is the threat to our nation so nominal that we can fix it by futzing with arguments in legislative committees?  Sorry, NO.  Radical Islam has declared war on freedom in the Western World.  Canada must declare war in response and implement a War Measures Act to make Ottawa and its environs an armed stronghold.

Our nation’s Parliamentarians need enhanced security wherever they are and without delay.  Why is our military engaged in defending muslims in foreign countries when we are at war here in Canada?

Our very way of  life is at stake.  Failure to act without delay is capitulation by default.


The Bigger Lie

I didn’t think that anybody could top the blatant Obama/Clinton/Rice coordinated lie that humiliated the U.S. Ambassador to Libya after his tragic crucifixion.

The other day the shifty blonde U.S. ambassador to France may have trumped the Terrible Trio.  She implied that she was at the giant Charlie Hebdo Rally in Paris, but a million mourners who were there did not notice her.

She went further.  She said that the reason that President Obama didn’t know she was there was because she forgot to call him…

Forty World leaders know that she was lying through her teeth.  Democrats love her for it.


Saturday, January 17, 2015


                  The more things change
                  The more they go insane.


Romney For President?

In your dreams.  He is just having a bit of fun with CNN.  No God-fearing Protest-ant will stand for election to the Presidency in tribal America   again in this age.  That’s why there’s nobody home in the Republican Party today.

But Hillary, it’s not yours for the taking.  Community Organizers don’t like your gender or your complexion.


Harvard Makes A Name

U.S. President Obama is not the only famous Community Organizer to graduate from Harvard University.  Most of the Muslim Despots now in charge of violently anti-American countries have been pushed through Harvard on their way to Jihad.

What about America’s brightest and best?  Sorry, no room for you at Harvard.  Why?  Follow the MONEY.


The Topic Of Cancer

Jamie Demon makes his exit and takes Wall Street down with him.  He is selling out after screwing the gift of Christian freedom in the New World.

Yes, I was among the millions who you legally robbed Jamie.  I turned the other cheek.  You can rob me without recourse, but see if your lawyers can get God off your throat.

Everybody loses Jamie, but you are the biggest loser.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Understanding Islam

You say that you cannot fathom the reason why terrorist assassins don’t react to Drone attacks that snuff out their leaders, but they brutally murder edgy French cartoonists?  Pay attention.  French policemen didn’t carry guns.

Let me guess.  You say that you have just come back from a Gun Control rally?  I don’t understand YOU.


Too Many Terrorists?

Several Western World countries now complain that they have too many terror suspects on the loose to keep track of them all.  Yes, they have lots of Parking Ticket Cops and Garbage Inspectors, but they’re plumb out of Terror sleuths.

Canada alone has 80 terror suspects running around, and not long ago a crazy “lone wolf” shot up our Parliament Buildings.  The enemy has declared war on us and we’re still busy turning the other cheek.  How many innocent people will die before we wake up and round up the 80 shooters?

Do Canada’s Federal legislators have to give up and leave because naïve Canadians think it’s fun to watch potential terrorists play catch on the Parliament Hill lawn?  Canada needs to stop trying to fix the world and instead concentrate on defending it’s Parliamentarians and it’s God fearing citizens.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Obama Not Invited

Forty World Leaders marched in Paris.  No Community Organizers invited.



Evolution + Devolution = Sirolution.  Sirolution is my own Sirola theory that should supercede the Theory of Evolution.  Sirolution is a never ending 2000 year cycle of growth and decay that I refer to as “Repeat Performance”.  In this age the 1000 year evolutionary phase in the Sirolution Cycle ended in about 1975.  Devolution has begun.

So we are now rapidly sliding into a new Dark Age, as was the case after Christ died on the Cross.  Before He was dragged away, Christ warned us in Luke 22:36 to sell our garments if necessary and use the money to buy swords!

Evolution ends in Revolution.  Devolution ends in Revolution.  So Revolution marks the peaks and troughs in the unending Sirolution Cycle.  The worldwide escalating chaos that you now witness every time you turn on your TV is only the launch phase of the revolution at the “Sirolution Cycle Peak”.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


Racism? Don't Ask. Don't Tell

The black racist CNN commentator Rolland Martin said that all whites are racist.  He should have gone a bit further.  Perhaps all races are racist.  Perhaps you are either a racist or you are a liar, and you are lying to yourself.

But wait!  It’s a crime to admit the truth in our devolving world.  Am I a racist?  Are you a racist?  Is U.S. President Obama a racist?  My advice?  Don’t ask.  Don’t tell.


A Fishy Fantasy

There is a rumor that an irate Indian has threatened to sue the Vancouver Aquarium after choking on a glass eye.  Aquarium officials explained to Global News that the artificial orb had been implanted to replace an eye lost by a fish that was being bullied by other fish.  The cost of the procedure?  Not to worry.  Canada has Socialized Medicine.

Nobody has asked the grumpy Indian how the glassy fish made its way to his dinner table.


Lament For Followers Of Christ

I am horrified and deeply sorry to carry the burden of recognition of what lies ahead for followers of Christ in a world now sliding into brutal tribal Islam with no will to defend itself.  Why has God abandoned us?

How deep is the Western World malaise?  Voters in the United States elected a President who had fully disclosed his deep Islamic roots.  Other World Leaders without exception refuse to even acknowledge a link between rapidly escalating vicious terror attacks and Islam.  This kindness leaves me cold, and even the terrorists cannot understand it.  Our children will pay the price.


Human Rights: Freeze The Homeless

Virginia, there was a time when Canadians would not permit an argumentative vagrant to freeze to death on a city street.  That was before HUMAN RIGHTS were discovered.  That was before Canada became a Third World Country.

No Virginia, we were not wealthy back then, but we built Mental Hospitals and Residential Schools, and we did care for those who could not care for themselves.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Obama Ne Pas Charlie

Forty world leaders and a million Parisians marched in Paris today.  Even CNN noted the glaring absence of U.S. President Obama.

Obama detractors should spend some time reading Saul Alinsky.  Community organizers whip the populous into a frenzy and watch the violence from a distance.  Obama makes no bones about leading from behind.


While France Mourns ...

Today, CNN seamlessly reports  a view that equates anti-Semitism in France to the current out-pouring of French anti-Islamic revulsion.  Ask yourself this:  Can you remember when a Jew in France has brutally murdered a Frenchman?  When have Jews living outside of Israel been involved in violence for any reason?

Hollywood, CNN and the remainder of  the U.S Media are widely recognized to have Jewish roots.  Why does CNN leave us with the impression that France is to blame for the Charlie massacre?  Why does CNN doggedly side with violent Islamic Community Organizers in the U.S. who foment havoc?   The United States embraces and honors Judaism.

Don’t tell me to follow the money.  People of all races and religions will pay the price for Media incitement of barbarism.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Evolution Evolves

We are Followers Of Christ and I have a bone to pick with modern Evolutionists.  I believe that both evolution and devolution are at work taking turns in a never ending continuum.  The result?  I call it “Repeat Performance”, and I wrote a book on the subject many years ago.

I don’t have a problem with evolution itself, but then I believe that all things continue to evolve {or devolve} as I write.  This, I see as the real Catch 22 for the haughty proponents of accepted Evolution Theory.  Take for example the much vaunted imagery of the stages of evolution between ape and man.  If evolution is a continuum, the near-ape man and all of his more advanced species are still with us today.  I want Evolutionists to categorize all races in today’s World from the least to most evolved.

Nope.  I will get silence by way of a reply to this challenge, but then I am old, and all seniors are invisible in this greedy selfy-obsessed world.  Accepted Evolutionary Theory freezes evolution in time.  Otherwise, our lofty Liberal Evolutionists would have to admit to harboring a deeply racist view of the World.  See also my Blog entitled "Sirolution".


Tuesday, January 06, 2015

God And Gold

Peter Schiff is brilliant.  He says that we need to return to the Gold Standard.  Sorry Peter.  Integrity is imperative before any currency can be tied to gold.  Integrity was faith-based and faith has died.  Faith was a gift from God.

The Wall Street Cabal is coming for your Bank Peter.  They also want your home and they’ll put you in jail to take possession of the gold that you hide in your teeth.  Remember, they make the laws too.
This age is over.  Tribal chaos, yes.  God and Gold, no.


Sunday, January 04, 2015

Cops Or Muggers? You Decide

Who is to blame for the ongoing bloodbath in the U.S. black community?  If  you are a resident, ask yourself this:  Are you more likely to be snuffed out by a black mugger or a white cop?


Ebola: How Stupid Am I?

White American doctors rush to West Africa to rescue dying blacks.  At the same time in the U.S., blacks are busy torching white businesses and vilifying white police officers for protecting innocent blacks.  It just doesn’t make sense to me.  Perhaps President Obama could explain the puzzle.


Thursday, January 01, 2015

Why Community Organizers Lead From Behind

It can take many years of goading to whip an impoverished disenfranchised populous into a frenzy.  Whites have long since closed the Mental Institutions that once protected these people from themselves and from the populous at large.  People die when deranged mobs go unchallenged. 

That’s why the Community Organizer runs for cover after he lights the fuse.  That’s why he leads from behind.  Community Organizers are not stupid.  President Obama is building a taller fence outside the White House.


Road Map To Ruin

The U.S. has long since given up on raising the Third World to Western standards.  Instead, Americans now vote for leaders who openly drag the country back into the tribal chaos that prevails in the world at large.
