Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cosby Truth Tirade

In 2005, Comedian Bill Cosby told Detroit Blacks that they could not blame Whites (because Detroit was 85% Black) for their despicable conduct:  drug dealing; child abandonment; extreme violence and efforts to get into jails for free narcotics.  He told them to wake up and grow up.  Fantastic.

That’s why the Liberal Media hates Cosby.  It has nothing to do with the fifty White women who just happened to find their way to his apartment.  CNN loves Tiger Woods and worships OJ Simpson.  Black and White?  No problem, and murder just stokes the adulation.

Cosby is an elderly Black heterosexual married male!  It’s a miracle.  No wonder they hate him.  His wife too, is a hero.  Innocent ‘til proven guilty?  Until this is resolved, we remain lifelong fans.


Prescription Drugs Denied

Mega drug manufacturers are among the wealthiest and most government pampered corporate entities on earth.  Sad to face the reality that each new drug discovered by a Major must stand on its own in economic terms, often making the product so expensive that it effectively denies access to all but the very wealthiest in need.

Drug development research expenses for all products produced by a major drug manufacturer should be pooled, and write-offs drawn from that pool.    The cost of developing expensive new drugs would thereby be blended into and absorbed by huge profits from long standing winning product lines.  New products should be priced to make them accessible to all.  People are dying in agony while drug companies reap limitless profits generated by long established brands, all of which were discovered through research subsidized by the taxpayers.

We have entered the era of unstoppable greed at the end of the age.  Greed spelled backwards is genocide.


Pilotless Jumbos

Let’s take a vote.  Which do you prefer?  Your mentally ill airline pilot in the cockpit, or the same sick soul flying the plane from a comfortable kiosk on the ground?  Think about it.

The Jumbo era is over.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Earth Hour Complainers

You say that you are a bit miffed because you had a heart attack in an elevator that was stranded when the power went down for Earth Hour?  Stay tuned, because one of these days the lights won’t come back on after this Sacred Event has ended.

The problem?  The power grid was never designed for this kind of brain dead abuse.  A nuclear plant will likely be the first to run out of control during an Earth Hour black-out, but even wind turbines are left turning when the nit-wits shut down the World.


Pilots Pee Too

Are you in good hands?  A $100 million aircraft with steel bulkheads separating pilots from passengers, and no washroom on the flight deck?  Hello?  Lets provide pee pails up front so that the fly boys don’t have to mingle with the terrorists in the cheap seats.

Are you in good hands?  I don’t think so.


Bridges? They ALL Fall Down

The bridges that we built fifty years ago are now falling down because today nobody knows how to maintain them.   But what about attempts to build new bridges?

In Edmonton Alberta, at a bridge under construction, six giant "I Beams" were set into place.  Workers watched in amazement while three of these beams warped like pretzels before their eyes.

Oops.  I am an Engineer and a Metallurgist and I took a closer look.  They weren’t I Beams.  They only looked like I Beams.  Clearly, nobody knows any longer how to fabricate an I Beam.

New bridges?  Old bridges?  They ALL fall down.  My advice?  Cross bridges when you come to them, but don’t dilly dally to take in the scenery.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

White Wimp Grovels

Today, a contrite former U.S. Fraternity brother received international media coverage by begging Blacks to forgive him for singing a song with the “N” word in it.  He has paid dearly for his youthful transgression.

Now I want U.S. President Obama to do the same for those of us in the new White minority.  His book Dreams From My Father is laced with testimonials of unrepentant Black hatred for Whites.  A wimpy racist apology please, Mr. President.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Two State Bibi

Netanyahu was in favor of a “Two State Solution”, then he was against it and now he’s for it again.  The media gave him a rough ride.  He should take a page from the Obama Spinners Notebook.

A tipsy Secret Service guy left the White House after some drunk threw a party there.  He drove his car into an exit gate post, later described as a “barrier”. Or was it a trash can?  Then it was discovered that he had missed the trash can too, and Reporters became suspicious.  They went looking for surveillance video.

Pay attention Bibi.  The White House can change its story at will, because surveillance video is erased every 72 hours.  Well, maybe not if you’re a Republican.  The Nixon tapes will be there forever.


A White/Christian Homeland?

With the stroke of a pen, the UN created a Homeland for the Jewish people.  Jews had been wandering the Earth for thousands of years.  In the U.S., Whites, who created the greatest Nation on Earth, are no longer welcome in their own country.  Today, Whites and Christians in many Muslim countries are slaughtered without mercy.

Canada is a huge bountiful country that still welcomes people of all races and creeds.  If I could, I would designate Canada as a Homeland for Whites and Christians now under persecution all over the World.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Bibi Baffles Barack

Netanyahu was re-elected in Israel in spite of a flat-out “thumbs down” by Obama and his army of Media Spin Doctors.

It takes me back to Bill Clinton.  He also attempted to scuttle Bibi.  Clinton soon found himself facing Impeachment, and Netanyahu didn’t even blink.

Democrats didn’t invent Gutter Politics, but Jews have always promised “An Eye For An Eye”.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Freedom Of Speech? Only For Blacks

Who’s to blame for this new reality.  Blacks can call Whitie by any degrading handle they choose, but Whites have rules.  The “N” word uttered will cost Whitie his career.  In Canada, a White politician is reduced to groveling for talking about “Brown people.”

We White guys invented the English language.  We wrote the U.S. Constitution.  Generations before our own fought wars to defend freedom.  Whites have reached out with the gift of freedom to all genders and all races.

Now that we are outnumbered at the Ballot Box, we have lost control of our own destiny.  Who is to blame for turning the gift of freedom over to a generation that fights over words while the World degenerates to violence and chaos?

As I see it, God had a hand in the authorship of the U.S. Constitution and in fostering our ability to respect and nurture its gift of freedom.  God alone knows why we Whites have forfeited this blessing after we struggled to make it universal on our tiny planet.

Tribalism wins.  Freedom loses.  You voted for it.


Gandhi Goes To Ferguson

U.S. President Obama is no wimp.  He earned his stripes as a Community Organizer fomenting violence in the Chicago slums.  His mentor, Marxist, Saul Alinsky, wrote the Organizer’s Handbook entitled Rules For Radicals.

Alinsky counselled his “Have Not” Organizers to use guns to settle arguments with the evil “Haves”.  Alinsky claimed that Gandhi would have used guns if he had owned them.

So the “Cop shooter” in Ferguson Missouri was going by the Organizers Handbook when he gunned down two policemen, but here is the rub.  Gandhi spent a whole lifetime rejecting violence.  He didn’t have pockets to hold guns.  He didn’t have shoes.  He didn’t have body guards when he was brutally assassinated by an Organizer with a gun.

Gandhi had something that Alinsky and his Organizers will NEVER understand.  Gandhi, like Christ, had INTEGRITY.  “Truth Above Life”


Scott Andrews Banished To The Fringes

Canadian Member of Parliament Scott Andrews has been kicked out of the Federal Liberal Caucus.  His exit interview (CTV) was revealing.

My reactions:
  1. I was greatly relieved to discover that there are still male males to be found at the fringes of North American Civilization.  Sad to send a decent fringe person into the midst of a gang of big city meterosexuals (Parliament).  Heterosexuals and meterosexuals will never see eye to eye.  It’s the reason why our Parliament and our Country are no longer viable.  This same struggle has been lost by Tea Party Republicans in the United States.  It’s a symptom of the end of every Age - heteros swamped by meteros.
  2. Scott, I have concluded that you are an honest Liberal.  An honest Liberal is a uniquely decent person who belongs in the Conservative Caucus.
  3. Scott, you must have a fantastic marriage and an amazing family.  My wife and I salute all of you, and especially your wife.  Your blessings far outweigh the burdens that you struggle with today.

I also have a fantastic wife who has stuck by me in spite of my masculinity.  We are both deeply thankful to have weathered the storm.  In the end, honesty wins.  “Truth above life”.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Trudeau Style Politics?

I had the tragic misfortune to cut my teeth in Federal Politics by running as a Conservative in a deeply socialist riding during the Pierre Trudeau era.  Our long standing popular Labor MP had gained his reputation as the alleged shooter in an unsolved strike-related murder.

The election campaign was “no holds barred” total lawlessness.  Nails in my tires twice, a smashed truck windshield, committee rooms vandalized, signage mutilated and stolen, threats of violence against my family and more.

Conservative MPs and candidates have not experienced this type of intimidation in recent years - until now.  Why now?  Back then I had no way of discovering the source of the violence directed against me, so I was on my own standing in a gale force wind.  Today, I suspect that every sitting Conservative MP has of late been threatened or compromised in one way or another, and once again I see the name Trudeau at the helm in the Liberal camp.

So I put two and two together and I’m watching for intimidation to blossom in the Mulcair NDP hustings.  It could be interesting.  Quebec Labor politicians are no angels.  Gutter politics.  Third World country?

Machiavelli lives.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Is Slavery Dead?

Slavery never dies.  White Americans would like you to believe that they put an end to human bondage, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Even slavery has qualifications, and American slaves became redundant when they could or would no longer produce enough to cover the ongoing cost of their shelter and their sustenance.

Willing Mexicans have now replaced Black plantation workers in the United States.  We no longer call them slaves, but they too would be jobless if they were unwilling to produce more than they consume.

Today, those in our World who refuse to contribute are given a free ride.  Free housing, free education and free flat screen TVs made by Asian slaves.  Our modern welfare dependants are also free to vote, and through the magic of the ballot box they now run the country.  Sorry to tell you, but they have decided that they now want your house.  They cannot have mine.  I saw this coming decades ago, and I have no assets left to steal.  The joke is on you.


Rex Murphy On The Niqab

CBC’s Rex Murphy says that the full face cover is OK with him.  Try walking around in Manhattan with a bandana tied over your face, Rex.  Or walk into your local bank with your face covered, Rex.  Real women of all faiths are afraid to use public washrooms today, Rex.

I am not a bigot, Rex.  This is a serious security issue at a moment when Canadians are being mowed down on our local streets.  Many 250 pound male muggers now wear Niqabs.

I will admit that you might look better in a Niqab, Rex.


Canada And The Islamic World

U.S. President George W. Bush snuffed out dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq.  Since then, the Obama Presidency has ushered in Islamic theocratic rule in Arab countries around the World.  Western backed dictators out -  Muslim Caliphates in.  Obama labeled this the “Arab Spring”.  How are his Muslim brothers doing with their new found freedom?  They are butchering each other wholesale and they especially enjoy decapitating Muslim converts who join them from the West.

And the Obama-prompted mayhem is spreading.  There are serious rumblings in the U.S., but then the President himself has deep Muslim roots.  He is a “Community Organizer” who came to the White House after fomenting “Alinsky style” violence on the streets of Chicago.

Here in Canada, an angry Canadian born Muslim convert (Bibeau) shot up our Parliament  Buildings in Ottawa.  Bibeau produced a video to clearly set out his own real and compelling reasons for martyrdom in our midst.  He told Canadians to stop murdering his countrymen in Muslim countries across the Atlantic.  Most Muslim immigrants to Canada could not have envisioned the Canadian Military bombing their homelands after they arrived here.  The Muslim father of the Ottawa shooter (Bibeau) had left Canada to return to LibyaCanada bombed Libya.

During the Second World War, Canada built Internment Camps to house immigrants from Japan and other countries with whom we were at war.  Today, the entire Western World simply refuses to acknowledge the stark reality that we CANNOT bomb the homelands of those we invite to live among us.  So long as we continue to bomb, we will face more and escalating violence from citizens who arrive here fleeing from violence.

Tribal Islam is on the warpath across the Muslim world.  The U.S. has sold its soul to Islamic violence.  Canada could be a safe haven for all concerned.  We should bring our Canadian soldiers back to Canada to bravely defend our borders in a rapidly degenerating world.  Instead, we put Canadians at risk by engaging in a fight that nobody can win.  We don’t need Muslim oil.  We do need sanity in a world going mad.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Trudeau Tackles Toet?

Conservative MP Lawrence Toet asked his constituents whether they agree or disagree with proposed legislation on terrorism.  That was enough to make news here in Winnipeg Manitoba.

Why?  Trudeau says that if a Conservative asks a question that requires a “yes or no” answer, that is A LOADED QUESTION.  Yup - Conservatives cannot ask for “yes” or “no” as a reply to a question.  And the news report is scathing in its condescension.

So here is my question:  Do you agree with Mr. Trudeau?   A simple “yes” or “no” answer will do.


How Low Will Trudeau Go?

His bilingual Liberal bureaucracy has gone after Conservative Cabinet Minister Diane Findley for a grant that she did NOT provide to a Jewish Community Center to build an access ramp for the disabled.  So Trudeau tramples Jews and the disabled to discredit Findley over a kindness that she did not have the opportunity to offer.

Liberals love Trudeau for this bold deceit.  It wins elections these days.  Watch CBC for similar groundless charges against Conservative MPs across the board.  We reap what we sow.


Ferguson Finally Finished?

I was relieved when the White policeman at the center of the Ferguson tragedy quit.  I am happy to see the White Police Chief leaving.  I understand that a White exodus is underway at the Ferguson municipal offices.  CNN is now going after the White Mayor of  Ferguson.  I hope he steps away too.

I agree with Blacks who are agitating for apartheid.  When Black police officers shoot Blacks (or Whites) they don’t make news, even locally.  I favor legislation to bar Whites from future employment or business ownership in all regions now deemed by CNN to be Black.

I was shocked to learn from CNN that in this Black city, most people who are arrested are Black.  It’s racist.

News Flash:  Two police officers shot in Ferguson, Mo. Overnight.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"N" Word Shuts Down U.S. Fraternity

Yup - it’s true.  If you’re White you cannot say certain words.  I’m White and so far I think it’s still OK for me refer to a person who is (to quote Obama) black as pitch, as a black person.  But we Whites must not call Blacks by the name of their assumed country of origin.

Many New World slaves came from the Niger River region in Africa - from Nigeria or the country of Niger itself.  They called themselves Nigers and we picked up the word from them.  Mark Twain spelled it wrong, but the source of the handle stands, none-the-less.  Sad to see his writings in the trash over the “N” word.

Today, I should be offended if a Black calls me a Canadian.  Canada is my country of origin.  I’m not too pleased when Obama drops the “W” word, but then it’s OK for Blacks to crap on Whites.


What Truth Means To POTUS

Saul Alinsky was President Obama’s mentor as a Political Organizer.  Alinsky insisted that the Organizer does not have a fixed truth - to him truth is relative and changing.

Christ would disagree.  Christ went to the Cross because he refused to lie.

“Truth above life”.


Obama: Bye Bye Chicago

Will President Obama follow in the footsteps of his mentor, Saul Alinsky, and move back to the “have nots” in the Chicago slums when he leaves the White House?  All “Community Organizers” live there.

Oops… Slippery Alinsky, like today’s Obama, was one of the “haves” he so much himself despised.  Haves don’t live in “have not” slums.  Get over it.


Fraternities: Freedom Of Speech In America

The Frat boys were singing Rapper songs.  Black Rappers are World famous for their catchy “Kill Whitie” melodies.  OJ is worshipped for killing Whities in the flesh.

Sorry Whitie Frat guys - you cannot sing Black Rapper songs if you are White.  That’s why President Obama shut your Frat down and ruined your lives.  This is no joke.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How Racism Works

Now that Islam is dominant in Europe, if you say anything that Muslims don’t like, you are dead - Charlie Hebdo.

Now that Blacks have taken over the U.S., you take your life in your hands if you offend a Black.  Blacks murder Blacks by the hundreds every day.  The victims don’t count.  Blacks murder Whites - nobody notices.  But if a White kills a Black?  Then CNN cares.  Then President Obama cares.    MSNBC goes ballistic.  Rachael Maddow sneers.  The s..t hits the fan.

There is no place left for Whites.  We created civil society in Europe and America.  We built the bridges and the cities.  The good news?  They are already falling down now that we have abandoned the World to tribalism.

Atlas has indeed shrugged.  You will reap what you have sown.


Canada: Liberal Half Truths

Justin Trudeau says:  “You cannot legislate what people wear”.  Sorry Justin.  Try going to your favorite parade in your birthday suit.  It’s a half truth.  Is Justin a Muslim?

But nakedness is not the problem.   The clothing question is a security issue, not a religious put down.  Half truths.

Catholic Nuns have always been free to wear religious costumes that clearly identify their faith and include head gear.  The security question arises when the face is covered completely, and here the threat of terror abuse cannot be denied.  Face it.

Pay attention.  Hooded terrorists are beheading us on our city streets.  Our Canadian Parliament Buildings are riddled with terrorist bullet holes.  This is not a joke, Mr. Trudeau.  You should spend more time at work.


Monday, March 09, 2015

How To Annihilate Freedom

It’s easy.  Just print endless money.  Run the printing presses.  Kill the currency.

Then dump the middle class.  How?  Sharia Finance.  No “Usury”.  Interest rates forced to NIL.  Results come quickly.  Banks and Pension Funds self destruct - desperate for yield.  They use your savings to buy worthless sub-prime and speculative resource company paper - chasing yield.  They lose your shirt.  So you are left with no savings and no pension.

Welcome to Sharia - the Third World.  Americans have already voted for it.


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Canada's North: Up In Smoke

The same Americans who have been raping U.S. coal mining states for fifty years say “no” to safe pipelines.  But at least our ancient generation built sturdy U.S. rail-beds to handle the haulage of the billions of tons of coal day in and day out.

In Canada, Transportation Minister Lisa Raitt is a lawyer.  Nobody has told her that our Canadian rail-beds cannot handle the punishment of thousands of hefty exploding oil trains, and there is nobody left to rebuild Canadian rail trackage.

So trains derail, trains explode and Canada burns.

But there is good news:  Railway Buffet is making a fortune shipping oil by rail, and Americans are never allowed to see the devastation caused by mining the coal needed to make up for their abhorrence of pipelines.  NIMBY lives and CANADA BURNS.


Terror In Canada

The RCMP Commissioner tells CBC that 321 organized crime investigations are on hold because RCMP staff has been diverted to counter terrorism.  So Biker Gangs and the Mafia are the real terror winners in Canada.  It’s how Chicago became Chicago.


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Buffet Re Banks

Wells Fargo is Buffet’s largest stock position.  Wells Fargo is a bank.  He says that the bank has stopped offering sub-prime auto loans.  The problem?  Fifty percent of these loans go into default in first six months.

Did you know that your bank was into sub-prime auto loans?  My interpretation of this news?  Bankers today are brain dead crooks giving away your savings.  Big bank crash ahead.


Bank Crash Ahead?

If Yellen doesn’t soon yell about another massive U.S. Quantitative Easing, we may be only weeks or months away from a bank stock market crash.  Perhaps even QE will not prevent the crash that I foresee.  Bank crashes precede total market crashes.

Yell Yellen.
