Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bureaucratic Food Meddling

Big government ravages supermarkets that fail to trash aging food found on store shelves. (Best Before Dates)

At the same time, big government media super sleuths dig around in grocery store dumpsters, find the discarded food, and accuse retailers of throwing it away.

Damned if you do...


Wells Fargo Tellers Tell All

Wall Street subprime/derivative mega-thieves stole hundreds of billions from pensioners and raped whole countries into bankruptcy. The result? Gigantic bonuses for executives at Wells Fargo and a handful of other corporations.

Who gets the blame? Five thousand tellers got fired. Don't laugh. You bought the story.


Hillary's Servers

My guess? Hillary's email servers are still up and they're running just fine. I've said this before. All drug dealers and other miscellaneous criminals have their own servers.

Another guess? You're voting for her.


Is Comey Covering His Ass?

My opinion? I don't think so. In fact I think he has put his life on the line, as has the entire Trump family, in an effort to rescue US freedom.


Weiner Or Pussy?

The US election now hinges on these two words. Wiener or pussy. Take your choice. You have no alternative. The greatest nation on Earth has been reduced to a laughing stock by the Clinton compulsion for deep sewer politics.


Billy In The Bushes

I'm a Republican, and I guess I began to worry about my allegiance to the Bush family when I realized that George Bush senior was traveling the world with Bill Clinton. What I didn't realize until recently was that the Bush admiration for the Clintons led them to name their offspring after Bill.

Now that we have watched Billy Bush working to destroy the credibility of Donald Trump I fully understand the scumbag nature of the Bush family as a mirror for the scumbag nature of the Clintons. Billy really is in the Bushes. Finally it all makes sense.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Sorry Donald

Billy Bush and Howard Stern have both apologized since they verbally assassinated Donald Trump. Can an apology help the victim of an assassination?

Have two media scumbags scuttled America's last hope of freedom?


Freedom Pussy Whipped

Trump said something naughty on a bus. Will American democracy evaporate over the word "pussy?" So many lives sacrificed in vain.

Hard won freedom squandered over a word?


Will Trump Survive Alive?

It has never been a question of whether Trump will win or lose. I have already told you that I suspect that Hillary owns the voting machines, and they are programmed in her favor.

The question is, can Hillary convince a less than brilliant American electorate that Trump has lost the election he has already lost? I think that Hillary has dug up enough irrelevant trash to make her case, so Trump will arrive at the finish line alive.


Hillary Runs The World - For Now

I cannot remember when the US media machine was anything but viciously Democrat. Hillary doesn't get credit for that, but it does explain why CNN, NBC et all will be totally irrelevant a decade hence.

Until recently, Trump was soaring on Twitter and WikiLeaks was shouting the truth about Hillary. Oops - Assange silenced on WikiLeaks. Twitter hacked. Omnipotent Hillary.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pension Funds on Steroids

In years past, Canadian seniors called out pension fund managers who were long tobacco stocks up to their ears. Next, Canada's self-righteous fund managers moved seniors big time into Casino "investments".

The other day they decided to dip further into the vice game to pick up control of Canada's wine making industry.

What's next? Liberals in Canada have signaled that pot is the up-and-coming big business winner. Watch for Pension funds wallowing in marijuana stocks.

To hell with our grandchildren.


Syria - Who is to Blame?

In 2007, Israel bombed a live nuclear plant in Northern Syria. There should have been a mass exodus from the region. Nobody left.

US President Obama recently bragged about 50,000 bombs dropped there, and Russia, the UK and others are helping out with mass demolition in both Syria and Iraq. Is this a humanitarian undertaking?

Should refugees thank us for flattening their cities? Or do they arrive in our world angry and radicalized? How would you feel about people who demolished your home and your city?


Trump Trampled

Nine women have come forward claiming that Donald Trump made advances of some kind or other toward them . Apparently unwanted kisses are considered to be sexual assault in the United States today.

300 million Americans know that Bill Clinton violated a teenager in the Oval Office. Sorry Donald. You lose.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Real Men Obsolete

Most real men are extremely old and the real women who genuinely loved us are just as old as we are. Today, real women are few and far between. Even the scent of real women died the day they began gobbling down birth control pills.

Poor Donald Trump. He went all the way to Yugoslavia to find a pill-free female. Now, even Yugoslavia is no longer with us.


Lying About Lying

Hillary is the best liar in the Democratic party today. That's why he is indispensable. She didn't just lie to her Party and all Americans about her failing health. She is lying to herself.


Standing Behind Hillary

Did Trump stalk Hillary in the second debate? He was clearly on camera behind her. Why?

Think back to the first debate. On the split screen Trump looked like he had come out from under a bridge, and Hillary looked deceptively like a spring morning in heaven.

That was all done with camera filters. In the second debate, Trump spent most of his time on Hillary's camera. He was not stalking Hillary.



Monica, Monica. Where art thou? CNN has sniffed in every dark place to ferret out anybody who might have cuddled up to Donald Trump, but they cannot find you.

I am genuinely concerned. Many Clinton co-conspirators have turned up dead. Are you hiding under a desk?


Trump Not Qualified

Donald Trump says that he does not smoke, drink, or do drugs. Where have I heard this before?

Now I remember. It was Mitt Romney who had the same credentials, and Romney was crushed by Obama, a Democrat who flaunted his exploits with booze, drugs and pot smoking.

Sorry Donald. You're fired.


Genocide in Canada

Suddenly Canadian drug addicts are dying by the thousands. Why? Fentanyl from Johnson & Johnson. Nobody cares.

Canada is spending millions hunting for missing Aboriginal women. Aboriginal lives matter.


Lenin's Prophecy

Lennon told us that the most effective way to destroy a society is to destroy its money. Welcome to the modern era of Quantitative Easing. We are headed for the destruction free world.


How Low Can They Go

Silly me. I thought that Romney lost because he wouldn't get down and fight in the ditch that Obama lives in. I was wrong.

Trump dove into the ditch to go after the Clintons. What I had to learn was that the Democratic political ditch has no bottom.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Greenhouse Gassed

Politicians love taxes and they know that you hate smoke, so they have come up what they call a Carbon Tax. They assure you that if you pay a hefty Carbon Tax they will get rid of greenhouse gases (smoke).

But did you know that most of the smoke they're talking about comes from the production of plastics? And all plastics come from much-hated oil?

Whether you like it or not, the world would grind to a halt overnight without oil. And you are addicted to plastics. Oceans are awash in plastic waste and you keep buying more and more of it while you complain about smoke. Trees and cornfields breath smoke the way you breath air. Plastic is forever.

Oops. The tablet I'm using is made of plastic. The clothes I'm wearing are made of polyester, which is plastic. The couch I'm sitting on is made of plastic composites. The rug beneath the couch is a plastic product. Everywhere I turn I see more and more plastic. Could it be that I am part of the problem?


Obsolete Democracy

Democracy does not work for a tribal mob. The US Constitution was deliberately written to self destruct in the hands of those who cannot understand it. It is no more.


Defining Deplorable

It is deplorable to realize that all truly great Americans have scumbags from the Bush/Clinton families following them into washrooms wearing wires. It is deplorable that CNN and MSNBC seek out and flaunt this sneaky verbal contraband.

You will never get to see Billy's private Monica moments that are carefully recorded and catalogued in the Oval Office archives. Now that would be truly deplorable.


Spinning Michele's High

Michelle didn't really say that she gets high when Trump goes... wherever, did she?  I think she said that she goes high when Trump goes low. Still a bit edgy? Yes?

Michelle must have been high when she wore her two day old designer dress while she read back the words in Melania Trump's Convention speech. That's plagiarism, isn't it?

Who can forget the frumpy red and black Walmart rag that Michelle wore for her first two years in the White House.


Four Brave Women

You may remember that three brave women in Ireland finally took on thousands of Irish Republican Army assassins  and put an end to years of senseless IRA slaughter.

Today, in the United States, we have four brave female sexual assault victims taking on the murderous Hillary Clinton.

All real men have said the word pussy. All real men deeply respect and revere real women... Heroes.


Hillary Is No Abe Lincoln

CNN tells the world that Hillary Clinton used Lincoln to justify her paid speeches. Yep, you often hear lying media hacks lying about Hillary's lies. Hillary had said that the reason she is a liar is because Lincoln was a liar.


Fairweather Republicans

When Trump said "pussy" he blew away 32 Republicans, all of whom have daughters and all of whom have instant access to CNN.

They don't mind Hillary calling Lincoln a liar, and they would all send their daughters into the Oval Office to cuddle up with Billy.

Good Riddance


Sunday, October 09, 2016

Why Michelle Is Not Packing.

I assumed that Hillary would not be well enough to show up for the first Presidential Debate. As it turned out, Donald should have stayed home. He was totally trampled by every media trick in the book. Stonewalled.

Hillary will not make it to the finish line. Too sick. Donald cannot win. He can't even fart in the privacy of his own bathroom. Suffocated by media sleeze.

Now I'm looking for deliberate and total World conflagration as a justification for keeping Obama in the White House. Millions more will die horrible deaths with the Barack at the helm. Thats why Michelle is not packing.


Bipolar America

Many Americans believe that OJ Simpson murdered his beautiful wife. Americans love OJ. Misogynist?

Billy violated a teenage girl in the Oval Office. Misogynist?

Donald Trump swears alot. A Bush family sleazebag caught him on tape saying "pussy".

Americans would elect Billy or OJ in a heartbeat. They call Trump a misogynist. Third World country? Schizophrenic? I rest my case.


Are You stupid?

 There are miles of videotape of Billy and Monica busy in the Oval Office. You will never see them. Nixon was outed by an audiotape. Romney lost it to an audio tape hidden on a wired sleazebag reporter.

A Bush family lowlife baited Trump to say "pussy" in a private conversation. Easy pickings. Lots more to come.

Obama is or has been a chain smoker and much more for decades Try to find video of Obama with even the cigarette in his hand.

Democrats just assume that you are really stupid. Let me guess. You are voting for Hillary.


Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Welcome To The Anthropocene

Yep. It's a new epoch. And it's the first new epoch ever created by man. It seems that we have spewed so much nuclear radiation and nonbiodegradeable  plastic across our fragile planet that future life will use these travesties to identify our time frame as it's own epoch.

It's humiliating.


Fracking the Aquifer

Wouldn't it be fun to discover that US frackers are detonating nuclear devices in their effort to break up shales for the recovery of oil from deep underground. It seems that billions of gallons of fracking wastewater come back to the surface radioactive.  Fracking related earthquakes have been reported in many US states.

All life in the New World is dependent on the magnificent blessing of the US freshwater aquifer. Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.


Not a peep from Monica

Hillary got worldwide media coverage for a week after she dredged up a Mexican beauty queen from 20 years ago. The scoop? Donald Trump had said she was fat.

Not a peep from Monica.


The Racism Catch 22

In North America, police officers stand as the beleaguered vanguard of whites from many disciplines who sacrifice their own security to reach into non-white communities of all varieties in an effort to defend, educate and otherwise care for races that cannot or will not care for themselves.

The non-white response is universally antagonistic. They scream for apartheid. We should listen to our non-white neighbors and get the hell out.


You Do Not Believe?

Don't feel bad. You did not abandon Christ. Christ abandoned you.
