Tuesday, February 25, 2014

California After Fukushima

CNN TV tells the world that twelve California children in the past year have come down with paralyzed limbs reminiscent of polio.  In our 2012 book Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age we pointed out that western North America is in radiation peril in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear mega-disaster in Japan.

Since Fukushima, China has built huge inland cities in preparation for the evacuation of its coastal citizenry exposed to radiation emanating from the nuclear tragedy unfolding in Japan.  By contrast, Americans have elected a pothead President to address the problems of the world, and Canadians will soon do the same.  Hallucinogenic denial.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Trudeau Loves China

It’s true that it’s really smoky in China but Justin, that’s pollution, not POT smoke.  It’s also true that China built huge inland cities after the Fukushima nuclear disaster out of fear for the lives of those living in it’s coastal cities.  But Justin, China is a dictatorship.  Slaves built those cities that now sit unoccupied.

China is sinking into depression now that it’s city building frenzy is over.  The U.S. has voted for a Trudeau style pot smoker and to hell with it’s cherished Constitution.  Will Canadians follow the Chinese and the Americans into the smoke?

Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Federal Liberal party in Canada.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

God And I

God and I are not on the best of terms.  I’m stuck.  I cannot call myself an agnostic or an atheist.  Too many miracles.   I consider every birth to be a miracle and I think that consciousness is miraculous.

Unfortunately for me, the Old Testament Book of Job rings like an echo.  God conspired openly with the Devil to destroy Job’s life because Job was apparently a bit too proud of himself.  No, Job was not a mass murder.  He was an elder in his community.  When Job was too old to enjoy the fruits of his labors, God returned what was his.  I see this as vengeful cruelty.

In our case He took everything we had and just ran with it.  Same difference.

But who am I to complain?  As followers of Christ we are chastened by the knowledge that God hung His Son on a CROSS.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

England Mega Flood - Is It Sinking?

No Virginia, it’s not sinking but there is a problem.  Brits have been dumping nuclear waste in the Irish Sea for fifty years and they’re still doing it as I write.

The waste is “hot” and the temperature of the sea water keeps rising.

Yes Virginia, the Irish Sea is upwind and hot evaporating sea water will drown England every year for the next hundred thousand years.

What are the British doing about this?  They are building more nuclear power plants.  Don’t fret Virginia.  Al Gore says that nuclear plants don’t make smoke.


Sunday, February 09, 2014

The Road Ahead

It’s sad to watch financial analysts explaining that the big banks are struggling to re-establish trust among we peons after they robbed us of our meager pensions, our homes and our savings.

Pleas for sympathy are shallow on several levels.  First off, the banksters are still busy robbing us – scraping the absolute bottom of our empty barrels.

But the story gets worse.  The analysts who now speak for the banksters should have been our first line of defense to prevent the ongoing rape that transpired.

I’m talking about the fiduciary oath through which pension managers and others were entrusted with our savings.  Those of us who recognized the massive breach of this oath left the industry in disgust or were forced out for speaking up – fired.

What lies ahead?  Watch the banksters fight among themselves for the spoils of our labors.  Evil against evil.  Watch as ruthless tribalism tightens its grip on the remnants of freedom among the masses.


Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Power Dams

Northern Ontario – cheap hydro power.  Southern Ontario – expensive nuclear power.  Toronto needs cheap power.

What to do?  Raise northern power bills and bankrupt the locals.  Ship their cheap electricity south and to hell with the power line losses.  Keep Charlie Angus busy rescuing Attawapiskat while the lights burn brightly at Queens Park.

Years ago, when I sought to represent Northern Ontario in Parliament, I was told that I was turned away because I was over-qualified.  Now I know it was true.  Nevertheless, I’m still a northerner and there is still a way for the north to come out on top – but Charlie isn’t qualified to get the job done so it will never happen.

“The meek do eventually inherit the earth.”


University of Winnipeg Faculty Strike?

My solution?  Shut the University down.  I am a Canadian.  There is no room at Canadian universities for Canadian young people anymore.  We paid to build educational institutions that now corrupt the youth of foreign countries.  Let’s convert them to condos so they aren’t a total loss to the Canadian taxpayer.


Media Bias: Canada

Just watch the Anglo talking heads on Canada’s Government financed CBC TV Network for a few minutes and you’ll get the drift.  Wait for someone to blurt out a French name.  If the French person in question happens to be a Conservative, his or her name will be put forward in mangled English dialect.  On the other hand. if the French person is a Liberal, the name will come forth in horrible guttural French as only an Anglo can screw up the French language.

Conservatives puke as the CBC sucks up to Quebec week in and week out.  Quebecers just don’t like Anglos no matter how hard we try.


Monday, February 03, 2014

No, No, No, No, No, No

That’s what Mitt Romney says when asked if he will consider running for U.S. President again.  He thinks the question is humorous.  Americans turned him down and now it’s his turn.  Romney knows he is getting the last laugh.

Today, rabble in every country vote for pot advocates over those who can repair the bridges, so bridges are caving in.  Sad that those of us who are responsible have no choice but to go down with the ship.  The blessing of freedom is now past its expiry date.


Saturday, February 01, 2014

Wynne A Loser?

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne cancelled natural gas power plants while they were under construction.  Her decision cost the Province a billion dollars.  Her predecessor had launched the gas projects in an effort to rescue Ontario from what is now unfolding as a crippling ongoing energy crisis.

To my way of thinking Wynne is a loser in a lose-lose situation.  Then I remembered Rob Ford, Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau.

Winners Lose and Losers Win.
