Thursday, July 31, 2014

George Orwell Said....

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”.

My own mantra?  “Truth above life”.


Youth: A Catch 22

We blame our offspring because they refused to follow in our footsteps.  In truth, they did try to follow us.  Sad to have to admit that in our nuclear madness our generation took the whole planet over a cliff.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Washington State Goes To Pot

Washington is the second U.S. state to sanction the legal purchase of marijuana.  The state hosts one of the most dangerous nuclear waste dump sites on the planet.  The Columbia River will never recover from the toxic mess made at this infamous environmental disaster in progress.

Perhaps State Legislators just don’t want to remember what has happened to them at the hands of the U.S. Federal Government.  If you lived there, you too might wish to let your troubles go up in smoke.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Free Will? Who Said So?

I cannot find the passage in the Bible that says God saddled humans with “free will”.  On the other hand I find lots of Biblical evidence to support the argument that the opposite is true.  God is so intimately in charge of every aspect of my life that He counts the hairs remaining on my balding head.  I believe that it would be profoundly disrespectful of me to assume that only my wholesome thoughts emanate from God.

Where did the persistent “free will” drumbeat come from?  My guess?  Guilt.  Christians cannot  imagine God  being responsible for even the tiniest act of individual evil, let alone the groundswell of atrocities overtaking the world as this age draws to a close.

My advice?  Get over it.  Grow up and smell the putrefaction.  I fear God.  I respect God, but I do not believe that God needs me to apologize for Him.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Christian Capitulation

Christians from many foreign lands have built a North American civilization that is the envy of the world in this age.  Today, negative christian birth rates world wide mean trouble for us in the Blessed Land.  Almost all new arrivals now come from other faiths.

Refugees flee brutal repressive tribal countries seeking freedom in our christian world.  Why then do these rescued souls insist on imposing their failed cultural practices on us?

And why do christians shrink from making “respect for our culture and our rule of law” a requisite for immigration?  Do we have to import failure in order to rescue failure?  If, because of our tolerance, we succumb to chaos, refugees will have nowhere to turn.  It’s an oxymoron.


Garth Brooks Said....

If you want to miss the pain, you have to miss the dance.

Every man dies, but not every man LIVES.


Drones: If It Can Be Done

The other day we came upon a teen demonstrating a working drone in the busy concourse of our local mall.  It was obvious that if he made a joystick maneuvering error one of the three open propellers would cut somebody’s face off.  Nobody seemed to care.

Huge corporations are making arrangements to deliver your pizza using drones.  Governments, the military and even Google Maps are heading into widespread drone usage.

Nobody seems to realize that drones cannot share airspace with humans and cars and choppers and airplanes without disastrous results.  If we cannot shut down the teen at the mall, drones will soon be sucked into airliner engines all over the world.  Catastrophic!

If it can be done, it WILL be done.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

GE Bolts?

GE is said to be spinning off it’s Financial Sub, which is apparently the largest private U.S. credit card issuer.  My guess?  Unlimited credit card availability, even to the homeless, is funded by floating worthless sub-prime paper.  When the chickens finally come home to roost, the banksters hive off their troubled business to unsuspecting retail victims who end up holding the bag.

The credit card business has been a license to make big money hand over fist.  Pay attention when the banksters run for the exits.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yellen About Interest Rates

Markets shudder every time U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen hints at an interest rate hike.  Money has been almost free in the U.S. for years and her favorite bankers have levered themselves up to the tune of  hundreds of trillions of dollars as a result.  They are way past the ability to unwind their gluttonous positions, so any meaningful interest rate hike would bring their whole house of cards tumbling down.

And no, your banker will not give you a loan at zero interest.  Only Jamie and Lloyd and friends get to go to the bank, so the U.S. economy is heading for the dumpster while they buy up the entire planet.

When will it end?  They don’t own everything yet.  They’ve pretty well picked the pockets of the pensioners and crushed the residential mortgage market.  They have robbed foreign governments blind and taken over the U.S. Treasury, but there are still a few smaller Wall Street players left to swallow.  Greed devouring greed.  No end in sight for the moment.


Tree Huggers Torch Forests

For thirty years well-meaning environmentalists chained themselves across logging roads to rescue precious trees.  They succeeded, but sadly, old unattended mature trees simply die and burn all on their own.  Today we are unable to keep up with countless wildfires and forest fires as rotting rescued trees burn out of control.

Want to see a rain forest go up in flames?  Just leave it alone for three decades and it will catch fire sending smoke around the entire planet.  If we cut it, it rejuvenates itself quickly and we get the benefit of the wood.

All of this would be debatable if it weren’t for the reality that people are dying, homes are burning and whole communities are going up in wild fire flames as I write.


Tribalism: Neither Black Nor White

Did tribalism re-emerge in the U.S. because the nation is over-run by street drugs?  Or did street drugs take over as tribalism crippled America?

It’s chicken or egg, but addiction does break down tribal color barriers.  All addicts are tribal.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Malaysian Air Mysteries

Why on earth was a huge passenger plane shot down by an unidentifiable missile from an unknown source in a war zone at the only unreachable place on the planet?

Insurance Companies don’t like to lose.  You just have to submit an accident claim to find out that you pay for repairs yourself, after your insurance company jacks up your rates.  Only months ago, somebody stole a 777 jumbo jet liner from Malaysian Airlines.  It disappeared and has never been found.  I’m betting that a disgruntled Insurance Company cancelled on the Airline after that, but was it forced to pay up before it skipped out?

If so, did the insurer get vindictive and get even?  I don’t think so, but the other day a Malaysian Air 777 was shot down in “no man’s land” above the Ukraine with no hope of discovering why the tragedy occurred.  In this new tribal world, anything is possible.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I well remember when the rule was “Opposites Attract”.  Judging by the attitudes and preferences of men and women of today, that rule seems to have gone by the wayside.  Nuclear physicists tell us that they are pleased to see humans “adjusting” to rapidly increasing levels of background nuclear radiation.

At this stage, I agree that we are changing rather than dying, but I don’t think of that as good news.  Male and female genetics have merged or crossed over one another to a point where all hope of opposites attracting has apparently been lost.  That can hardly be considered progress.


Canada Slips Away

All pot people hate Conservative PM Stephen Harper.  He says no to pot.  The CBC hates Harper.  He says no to endless money.  The RCMP hates Harper.  I don’t know why.

So here is my guess at the Liberal election plan:

The CBC does the talking.  The RCMP does the blocking and the Liberals just sit back and smoke up.  And don’t feel sorry for the CBC’s Mike Duffy.  If Trudeau wins, Duffy will get a Cabinet post when his dirty job is done.

In the meantime, the CBC will be all “Duffy Crap on Harper” every day all day until the election.  Then the thirty-one RCMP charges against Duffy will be dropped, no matter who wins.

Everyone knew where Duffy lived when he was appointed to the Senate.  Everybody knows that there were no enforceable residency or expense account rules for Senators and accounting audits were unheard of.  Duffy will walk away laughing.

I lament for Canada.  Scummy Obama-Style politics.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fighter Jet Fuming

Politicians everywhere are fussing about whether or not to buy pricey F-35 fighter jets from a U.S. manufacturer.  My opinion?  It’s not worth the frustration because the pot puffers and very masculine women who now run our western world cannot build sophisticated airplanes or anything else for that matter.  The new fighters will never be delivered.

But it gets worse.  We will soon lose the skills needed to repair our aging F-18’s, and our B-52’s are seventy years old.  They fly because we didn’t know what pot was when we built them.  We oldies could think straight back then and we still vote for sanity when we get the chance to do so.

Go ahead.  Elect your favorite crack addict.  But we will be defenseless on the ground looking up through a cloud of pot smoke when the bullets begin to fly.

I lament for precious freedom.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Exploding Trains

The gigantic rail disaster that wiped out the village of Lac Megantic in the Province of Quebec happened a year ago.  I wondered how long it would take before I again saw a hundred exploding rail cars all strung together rolling down the rails.  Now I have my answer.  I counted a hundred trundling through downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba yesterday.

Oh, I know Winnipeg is not unique.  I keep track of exploding train derailments.  Too many to count and several recently in Canadian cities.  Locals who live or work beside the tracks just yawn.  It’s only news if one goes boom.  I don’t know why I worry.  I don’t live beside the tracks.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Gift Of Freedom

Freedom requires morality
Morality requires faith
Faith is dead
Faith was a gift


Justice and Judgment

The words justice and judgment are used frequently in the Bible.  To my way of thinking, justice connotes rule of law {freedom}, and judgment applies to a monarchy or to despotism {slavery}.

We read the King James Bible and we have compared it’s content to words set out in a dozen or so newer Bible versions.  The words justice and judgment are often switched in modern Bible translations.

The words justice and judgment are at opposite ends of the spectrum of human existence.  Switching them alters the message completely and one of the two presentations is WRONG.  We are talking about God’s Word here and infallibility comes to mind.

Bible scholars conversant with many ancient languages and drawn from many countries, collaborated at great lengths to come to an agreement on the words in the King James Bible.  I wish that modern scholars had not taken the flock in directions opposite to those set out five hundred years ago.  There are already too many forks in the road of life.


Poor Ontario

The Canadian Province of Ontario is not just morally bankrupt.  It is financially bankrupt and beyond rescue.  It was easy to predict the debt downgrade that followed hot on the heels of the Provincial election, just as it was a foregone conclusion that the least competent candidate would Wynne.

I hate to admit it, but I will not be disappointed as Ontario voters reap what they have so recklessly sewn.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Christ: A Mystery Wrapped In An Enigma

Who was Christ?  Where did he sleep at night?  He was homeless. He had no shoes.  He had no church.  He had no money and suggested that those who did should give it away.  We don’t even know his surname.

Would we acknowledge or even recognize Christ if we met Him in the street today?  Probably not, but His message has spread to the four corners of our troubled world:  Truth above life.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Racism And The Courts

In 2009, U.S. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor was appointed to the Bench after stating that “A wise Latino woman will make a better decision than a white male”.  This was not her only racial outburst.  Others were a matter of record at the time.

Many of those charged with vetting and approving her appointment were white males.  White Senators and a black President were apparently unable to arrest or resist or even acknowledge unabashed racism spewed forth by a latino lawyer educated in the best of the white man’s flagging universities. Most of President Obama’s first term appointments seemed to share edgy views similar to those of Justice Sotomayor.

In truth, today’s problems go much deeper than racism.  Faith built the New World.  Faith has now died, and today’s best thinkers can no longer see the light.  They cannot understand because they cannot think.  

White males wrote the words in the U.S. Constitution that ultimately led to the extension of voting rights and equal opportunity to women and people of color.  It’s tragic to witness the thanks they now receive, and it’s too late to reverse what has become the Achilles heel of western freedom: tribal minds vote for their own above all reason.  There is no hope for what was once the greatest nation on earth.

As goes the U.S., so goes the free world at the end of this age.  Devolution into tribalism.  That is our fate.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Education Heterophobia

I’m so old that back in the shadows of the Twentieth Century I didn’t realize there were no gay students/professors at the Engineering University I attended.  No Jews, Muslims or females either.

Seems like we Protest-ants were in a strange world when I look back on it today.  Needless to say, we would have welcomed any and every applicant, especially the women, but back then nobody was interested.

How things have changed!  We built and paid for the Universities.  Today we flunk out of Ethics courses taught by muslims because we don’t share muslim values.  Muslims and liars graduate and we end up flipping burgers.

So be it, but we also built the bridges, skyscrapers, roads and everything else in the developed world.  The universities are flunking their own SEED CORN!  When honesty gets a failing grade, everybody loses.


Gore Takes The Heat

Ever since Goofy Gore mesmerized the teaching profession with his “Global Warming” yarn, the climate worldwide has gone to Hell on a handcar.  If it keeps up we will all be freezing in the dark.

What does Goofy Gore have to say about this?  It’s easy.  He changed his story. Now it’s “Climate Change” you idiot.  No Problem.  Teachers are still clamoring for his attention and their students continue to worship “Big Al”.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fukushima Full Moon

The other night, as a “Super Moon” passed over the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred just offshore.  A Super Moon is a full moon that comes close to the earth.  The gravitational pull of the moon affects ocean tides and some believe that it can also cause earthquakes.  The Japanese quake jogged my memory.

I recalled that on the date of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, March 11, 2011, the moon was making the closest earth pass in it’s long 18 year orbital cycle. A Super Super Moon.   That night, a nearby magnitude 9.0 quake triggered a giant tsunami that fatally crippled the nuclear plant.

Weather buffs tell us that there are two more Super Moons ahead in our immediate future.  Watch the news on August 10th and September 9th.


A Senior's Chuckle

I told my good wife how much I enjoy her caring ways.  She replied “I have my DAZE”.

This reminds me to tell you that I  published a book on aging.  You should read it.  It’s full of this kind of pithy wisdom and more.  Here is the link.  Take a look.


House Meets Hurricane

We all know that the weather is changing and not in favor of human survival.  Storms are more frequent and more violent.  Is residential construction adjusting to this new environment?  Building practices are changing, but sadly heading in the wrong direction.

Your new home will be held together with glue and staples where sturdy nails were once used.  Wall and roof studs that hold up the building are now lighter and weaker.

Don’t take my word for this.  Just turn on your TV almost any summer day and you will see whole new subdivisions that have been torn to shreds by a tornado or a hurricane.

If technical innovation is soaring, why are we living in substandard housing?  My answer?  Fifty years ago we cherished individual human life and every new home was built to reflect that reality.  Today we have the miracle of  ”Risk Management”.  Risk Managers will tell you that most new homes will never be exposed to a hurricane. Their question:  "Why build them all to withstand weather violence"?

The good news?  You save money because cheaply built homes cost less to buy.  The bad news?  Weather violence is rapidly becoming the norm,  and will soon be coming to the city where you live.  Think about it.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ukraine: A Nuclear Tragedy

In my opinion, radiation that spread from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine will ultimately lead to the annihilation of all life in Central Europe.  Since the accident, Europeans have witnessed the violent dissolution of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.  Most former Soviet States have degenerated into turmoil or total chaos.

Today, Russia and the Ukraine appear to be working in tandem at the task of demolishing blighted doomed cities within the Ukrainian itself.  Every winter, the world stands by as Russia deliberately cuts off vital natural gas supplies, leaving Kiev and other communities to freeze in the dark.

Yes, it’s genocide plain and simple, but in a tribal world human life is cheap or valueless.  It is the reputation of the nuclear power cabal that counts.

First we had nuclear power.  Now nuclear power has us.

Our book, Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age, can be purchased in softcover copy or as an eBook.  Click on the link to take a look.



I have written of the relentless unstoppable slide into tribalism now underway in our devolving modern world.  Let me explain.  Tribalism has been the norm throughout human history on our tiny planet.  Most on earth today still live in countries struggling under the yoke of tribalism.  Those of us in the developed world are but a tiny minority in the human family.

Tribalism is ingrained over millennia.  Most often, inbreeding is important and tribal loyalties are genetic links between extended family members.  Powerful.

It is impossible to break such ties by disguising a tribal mind in a suit and tie.  Tribal loyalties trump our puny rule of law.  It took centuries for those of us who created the developed world in this age to shed our own tribal ties.

Birth rates in our world are now hopelessly negative.  In spite of this, tribal countries are brimming with humanity, all mysteriously up on Facebook and making travel arrangements to come to America.  The jumbo jet is the final piece in the puzzle.  We will soon be totally swamped.

Even now we are outnumbered and the padded voting lists are steering us to third world living standards.  No doubt the world is devolving exactly as it should.


The Way Things Were

I’m so old that I can remember when tornados didn’t happen - ever.  I can remember when hurricanes made news once in twenty years.  Floods?  There were no floods.  When we wanted to travel we didn’t have to check to make sure the highways were passable.  Rock slides, washouts, sinkholes, structural failures and other shoddy construction problems were unheard of.

We did not know that nuclear madmen had already set about to destroy the planet.  There were no nuclear diseases like cancer, Alzheimers or aids.

There was no such thing as a mass murderer. No terrorists.  No suicide  bombers.  There were no cruise liners full of sick passengers.  We had heroes but they weren’t worshiped for violating the Oval Office or shooting a President.

Detroit was a bustling proud growing city.  Blacks and whites worked together in harmony to manufacture cars that were the envy of the world.

University grads always had jobs to go to.  Unpaid internships did not exist.  Some grads had to pick from five or more generous employment opportunities.

Our young people need to know that we brought them into a world that had a bright future.  We could not have imagined the chaos they see before them today.  God has made fools of my aging generation and our offspring pay the price.


Obama: More On Immigration

So far in 2014, over 1000 busloads of Central American waifs have slipped into the U.S. past President Obama’s vigilant Mexican border guards.  And you were worried about terrorists?

Yup.  So the President is threatening to put more guards at the border to watch the buses as they glide past.  I thought perhaps the children were really short so they could walk under the turnstiles without being counted like terrorists.  But then I realized that somebody has to be counting or the President would not be gloating about it on national television.

I have to remind myself that Americans knew this President would open the immigration floodgates, not just for Central Americans but also for Mexicans, Africans and thousands from Arab countries.


Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Buffet Buys America: Target?

Is Buffet after Target Stores?  Somebody who doesn’t play fair is on the warpath.  Not long ago, internet vandals hacked into Target credit card accounts and wreaked havoc.  Target has taken too many unexplained hits of this kind in recent months.

There is no room in a Godless world for honest players.  It’s kill or be devoured.  I’ve said it before.  I liked Christianity better.  I wrote off Wall Street when Wall Street wrote off integrity.


Monday, July 07, 2014

Auto Sales and Recalls

GM has recalled more than 28 million cars recently and over time I think Toyota has topped that.  Bad news?  Why no.  I believe that Toyota is number one in vehicle sales worldwide and GM is close behind at number two.

Yes, these cars do smash their way into coffee shops and they do wrap themselves around lamp posts.  Turns out that in our shallow world that’s not what hits home.

Here is how it actually works.  Manufacturers like to sell cars.  You turn up at the dealership to have a life-threatening recall fixed and the salesman suggests you dump your risky wheels in favor of a shiny new model gleaming on the showroom floor.

SOLD!  Never mind that you are there because you got screwed when you bought your recalled lemon.  All is forgotten.  The truth?  In our screwed up world RECALLS SELL CARS.


Men Loved Women Loved Motherhood

I know it’s all different now, but I come from an era and an area of the world where men really loved women and women felt the same way about men.  Our problem wasn’t infertility.  It was the opposite.  Our love songs were real and mostly written by men madly in love with beautiful feminine women.

Young women didn’t bolt for the office door to avoid changing diapers.  Yes, a mother’s role is tougher and more demanding than office drudgery, but back then young women couldn’t wait for the privilege of motherhood.

I recognize that birth control steroids have made the modern woman as aggressive and hostile as any male.  I accept the reality that both male and female libidos continue to erode as rising background radiation proceeds to modify genetics world wide.

I have lived to see man-hating feminism explode to life only to wither and die as muslim tribal brutality reasserts the primordial role of males in our changing world.  Strange to realize that emancipated women gravitate to left leaning tribal political leadership.

I like love better than modernity.  I’m glad I’m old.


Narcotics Madness

I  believe that too many murders, mass atrocities and other violent crimes have their root causes in drug addiction.  The public should not be forced to put up with the ongoing widespread media blackout that shields us from the truth about drug related crime.

Why do lawyers, judges, doctors, pharmacists and psychiatrists maintain a Code of Silence on this matter?  Is this topic not worthy of examination by professors in our halls of higher learning?

Surely we could be informed about the relationship between specific drugs and their propensity to spawn one type of errant behavior or another.  At one time it was known that the word “assassin” was used to describe a killer under the influence of hashish.  Today we are told that some gambling addicts can attribute this compulsion to the use of a specific Parkinson’s Disease drug.

Why the silence on drugs and their connection to crime?  My guess?  We are living in an addicted world.  Some who could blow this story wide open are themselves hooked either legally or otherwise.  The rest are compelled to remain mute or face the ire of those who are addicted.  Addiction does not take “no” for an answer.


Sunday, July 06, 2014

As Goes Toronto...

Toronto the “Terrible” has a crack addicted Mayor who tells us that he has dumped all his junkie friends.  Its a Catch 22.  His crack friends elected him.  No friends.  No job.

As goes Toronto, so goes Ontario.  Ontario recently elected by a landslide a proud and vocal lesbian.

As goes Toronto, so goes Ontario and so goes the rest of Canada as well.  Too bad for Prime Minister Harper and Opposition Leader Mulcair.  They just don’t measure up when you have to be gay and/or stoned to be elected.

Republicans in the U.S. face the same brick wall.  My guess?  President Obama will dump elections and declare himself Fuhrer.  Americans worship his blatant disregard for their blessed Constitution.


Saturday, July 05, 2014

Mortgage Miracles

Billy Clinton created America’s final housing boom by giving away free mortgages to the homeless.  The U.S. economy might not ever recover from Clinton’s many fatal thrusts into raw financial greed.  Voters love him for his sleazy genius.  Canada never did play at this mortgage game, so the Canadian housing market has not collapsed as it did in the U.S.  That's not to say that Canada is home free.

In our healthy market, home prices simply move in the opposite direction to interest rates.  Canadians should remember this.  With interest rates at 3%, a one thousand dollar monthly interest payment will carry a $400,000 mortgage.  However, at a 12% rate of interest, that same monthly payment will only carry a loan of $100,000.

When rate hikes do begin, many Canadian homeowners will find themselves severely pressed or unable to carry mortgages taken out at earlier depressed rates of interest.  This could lead to a snowball effect in Canadian mortgage defaults. Canadians should be careful not to become over extended in our current rosy interest rate environment.


Outrageous Trudeau

Canadian Federal Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau is so ordinary that he wouldn’t stand out in a Line Up of drug pushers, but no one should underestimate his prospects in his bid to be Canada’s next Prime Minister.  Yes he is a former substitute teacher who has never had a full time job, but that would line him up beside the Social Worker who is now the President of the United States.

Yes he makes outrageous statements and yes he is not consistent or truthful.  Once again, Justin, like Barack, smokes pot and pot smokers have memory problems.  Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is world famous precisely because he is a crack addict.  Addiction is a political winner in a desperate populous.

Fairness flounders in a tribal world.  Hitler understood this and never forget that he was elected after he spouted outlandish lies.


CNN Gone

We dumped CNN from our list of favored TV channels a month ago, and it took until today to appreciate that it was gone.  I checked, and the CNN talking heads have finally stopped drooling over Mr.Sterling, the NBA team owner who paid out billions of dollars to black athletes before they unceremoniously dumped him.  I have never witnessed such unrelenting elder abuse as what  CNN and its black allies poured out on this old codger.


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Don't Blame POTUS

President Obama is a Social Worker by trade.  You can’t expect a Social Worker to know that huge corporations don’t try to go under until they are in deep deep do do.  So the President laid a giant egg in Detroit when he “rescued” a turkey that had already expired.

Twenty eight million recalls later, GM announced that it’s killer ignition switches were made in China.  Now that is a believable story.  I thought that all parts for GM vehicles came from China.  Or better still, perhaps all GM vehicles come from either China or South Korea. Detroit just adds the GM name plates.

POTUS rescued Detroit.  The result?  Detroit is now a basket case.  They love POTUS in Detroit.


Mackay On Parenting

Poor Peter.  He doesn’t know that being a father does not qualify him to speak as a father on Father’s Day. Only media hacks and LGBTQ folks are suitable care givers for OUR offspring.

Yes Peter, we heterosexuals bring the children into the world, but no matter how many diapers you change, you will never be allowed to cuddle up to the Canadian media coven.

Perhaps they’re not too fond of you precisely because you married an attractive female and you are succeeding as a father.


Property Rights In Canada

Canada’s out-of-control Supreme Court has recently granted  title to an Indian Band seeking ownership of disputed lands in British Columbia.  I thought that all Canadians had quietly been stripped of traditional land ownership when Pierre Trudeau repatriated our Constitution from Britain.

Does this Supreme Court decision mean that only Indians will be entitled to own land in Canada in future years?  Will the rest of us end up living on Reserves?


Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Facebook Fiddles

Some are offended because Facebook only sends us answers it wants us to hear.  Surprise, surprise. Facebook cheats.  Facebook didn’t invent cheating folks.  Hitler was way ahead of Facebook.

During a recent election in Canada, left wing government bureaucrats at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation set up an online questionnaire designed to help voters.  No matter how the questions were answered, the conclusion was always “Vote Liberal”.

Americans are so far down the road that they put their trust in voting machines made in hostile Venezuela, with computer code for these machines written in muslim Iran.

Anyway, Facebook has bigger fish to fry.  Remember the “Arab Spring”?  Millions of lives hanging in the Facebook balance.
