Monday, October 28, 2013

Fear Not Ms Merkel

At a recent EU conflab, outrage was expressed at U.S. President Obama for spying on Chancellor Merkel and thirty-four other World leaders.  Perhaps the Europeans should check a bit closer to home.

In this age, spying got its start in the European Confessionals of the Catholic Church.  More recently, we all know that our every purchase, phone call and fart has been recorded by the huge Super Computer located at New Rome in Italy.

The U.S. President can blame President Bush Jr. for his feeble NSA attempt at eavesdropping, but Obama’s team of third world tribal hackers will not follow in the Bush footsteps for long.

Fear not Ms Merkel.  Most of Obama’s “Czars” are lawyers and/or social workers.  They couldn’t launch Obamacare and they will soon bring the Obama Spy Agency crashing to its knees.


Canada Raped Again

In decades past, unscrupulous Vancouver mining promoters skinned Canadians as they stole our valuable resources.  So it’s fun to watch the mega wealthy Saudis and Wall Street banksters using their veritable flood of worthless U.S. dollars to rob the Vancouver promoters blind.

As I write, fabulously wealthy offshore gangsters are busy diluting Canadians of all stripes out of their ownership of the richest resource assets on planet earth.  Canada should immediately slam the door shut on foreign capital inflows and legislate to regain control of assets already pilfered by the mega-money thieves.

Of course it will not happen.  By the time it’s over, Canadians will have voted for the “Legalize Pot Party”, and nobody will care anymore.  You know the old saying “Your generation pisses away what my generation fought for.”


Obamaspin 2

Rouhani is the new President of Iran.  Angela Merkel is the longstanding Chancellor of Germany.  Obama called Rouhani and then claimed that Rouhani placed the call.  Merkel called Obama and Obama now claims that he called Merkel.

Both of these stern World leaders have publicly caught Obama in a lie and everybody loves him all the more for it.  I now wonder if Obama’s popularity has risen above that of Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Elton John and OJ Simpson.

Liars rule.  Spin wins.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Social Workers Rule

Obama is a Social Worker and his brilliant liberal arts team hacked into Angela Merkel’s bulletproof cell phone but they are at a loss to figure out how to sign you up for Obamacare.  And yes, you will go to jail if you keep getting a busy signal at their Obamacare Website.

You say that you are homeless and your computer is out for repairs?  Sorry – no free health care for you.  Not to worry though.  Lots of Obama’s social workers to console you once you are behind bars.


Fun At Fukushima

In an October 7th Blog I opined that Japanese politicians might be praying for an earthquake to flush away all the nasty radioactive water they have stored in plastic buckets since the nuclear mega-disaster at Fukushima in 2011.

Yesterday, their prayers may have been answered:  A 7.3 magnitude quake was reported off the Fukushima coast.  Silence from Japan since then.  Stay tuned for another string of incompetent lies.

“It’s not our fault.  There was an earthquake.”


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Railway Stupid?

So I think I’m finally catching on to why our railway/energy guys will keep on blowing up trains until they incinerate most of our major North American cities.  All this time I thought it could be explained by terrorism or by the rampant greed that exploded when integrity died.

Today I’m not so sure.  Perhaps our heroes (the train/energy guys) are just brain dead. (ie: stupid).  So we didn’t just lose the gift of integrity – we lost our ability to think – altogether.

It was the giant Gainford Alberta railway propane explosion (Oct 19/13) that spawned this revelation.  After the massive rail disaster at Lac Megantic, how could CN string together nine explosive propane rail tankers and take them all back-to-back through Edmonton and every other mountain town all the way into Vancouver?

It was apparently a 135 car train.  How many cars were transporting propane?  Was it one big long bomb?

Dishonest?  Yes, integrity is history.  Greed?  Without question, but STUPID?  Stupid may be the answer – and because of this reality, our energy starved cities will indeed burn.

My advice?  Don’t buy a house in the brand new subdivision going up beside the railway tracks.  You say you just did?  Railway stupid?


Obama Dumps "Redskins?"

Native Americans want the white man to drop the filthy word “redskin”.  If it’s only a matter of “words”, they can likely depend on the U.S. President to help them out.  It’s a tribal matter and Chief Obama puts tribalism first.

Just look at what he did with his own name.  He dumped the American first name ‘Barry” and re-invented himself as Barrack.  I can’t remember his American last name, but he dumped that too, and picked up the tribal name Obama.

He just hated the phrase “War On Terror” and poof, overnight it was gone.

Stupid me.  I thought a redskin was a peanut.  “Red” and “skin” must be Indian words.  No more redheads or skin movies.  Wait until the President figures out that Chicago is an Indian word.

And who doesn’t know that English is a language we learned from the Indians?  That’s why they can now tell us which English words we are allowed to use.

Now let me guess at the name of the Indian Chief that has been wronged by the word Redskin.  Is it Joe Brown, or maybe Theresa Spence?  Joe? Brown? Theresa? Spence?  These must all be Indian words.  Good thing those peed off Indians don’t use our words.

We’re in trouble folks.  Lots of name changes ahead.  Change without end.  Manhattan, Mississippi, Oswego, Mississauga, and more and more.

I’m speechless.  Obama dumps Redskins?  Nope.  Obama dumps America.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

More On Luxury Cars

Don’t want to carry around a ton of toxic explosive batteries in your luxury hybrid automobile?  Here’s another idea:

If you pay the price, you can get a sports car that puts the engine right beside you.  Yup – you’re looking at it.  The pungent aroma of rotting cables, burning engine oil, auto exhaust and much much more.

And it’s all yours for less than one hundred thousand dollars.



We knew a lady who owned a very expensive hybrid SUV.  She was proud of her hundred thousand dollar commitment to a greener world.  It reduced her gasoline bill by $200 per year.

Why only $200 for a $100,000 investment?  She explained (patiently) that her luxury SUV ran on premium grade gasoline.  Somehow this didn’t make sense to us.  Our eight year old Taurus runs on regular gasoline.

Then we noticed a conventional car battery and jumper cables in her super car.  I asked.  She explained (patiently) “My hybrid battery sometimes goes flat.  The car quits in the middle of a busy street.  My luxury car dealer sold me this spare battery and cables and showed me how to “jump start” my SUV.  Did you know that some luxury hybrid vehicles need premium fuel and spare batteries?

Did you know that luxury hybrid automobiles can hide up to a ton of explosive hybrid batteries that sometimes quit?  These giant batteries are a recycling nightmare – powerful acids and lethal toxic metals.

Let me put it to you this way.  The more you pay for your car, the greater its potential to contribute to the destruction of our world.


The Fox (Obama) Speaks

Yesterday the U.S. President got his way on Obamacare.

I expected to wake up to a face full of Potus in a never-ending 10-pen signing photo-op on CNN.  Nope.  Instead he was an hour late with another hollow diatribe geared to the intellect of his faithful tribe.

Yes indeed, you are his children.


Fooled By The Fox (Obama)

So the Fox in the White House chickened out and kicked the U.S. bankruptcy can down the road one more time.  His handlers are not happy and you still can’t reach his Saudi Call Centers to sign up for Obamacare.

But Wall Street will not fail to recognize that the average working American family will now be forced to shell out $16,000 per year to pay for Obamacare.  It’s pay up or jail.

Do you have $16,000 that you can afford to lose in 2014?  Can you take a $1300/month pay cut?  Jamie and Lloyd will have nobody left to rob, so I’m guessing they’re getting out now – selling their stocks, bonds, skyscrapers, homes, yachts et all.  You should too.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's Not My Fault

America is now so totally bankrupt that politicians are arguing over who will be blamed for the coming debt default.

Both the Republican controlled House and the Democratically controlled Senate have rejected every proposal put forward to date.  The left wing media has carefully obfuscated Democratic treachery so as to leave the impression that Republicans are to blame, when I believe that both sides have violated their commitments to the electorate.

Democrats need not have been so sneaky.  Default was a certainty.  The FOX IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CNN Stupid

CNN tells us that Anti-Obamcare Republicans held a secret meeting in a Washington DC basement.  Wow!  If it was secret, how did the sleuths at CNN find out about it?  And in a basement too.  Any windows?  Republicans must be running scared.  How juicy is that??

If it was secret, how is it that I know about it?  Now I remember … CNN told me.  CNN told the WORLD.

Sorry CNN.  Just a meeting.  Not a secret.

I call this media garbage “Obamaspeak”.

CNN Stupid.


Nuclear Nitwits 101

A woman who lives in the shadow of the giant Bruce Nuclear Power Plant near Kincardine Ontario has been enjoying its bounty of cheap electricity for decades and continues to do so.  But now she is worried.

She has noticed (a bit too late) that nuclear power plants produce dangerous waste and some idiot at the plant has been storing it right where all that cheap power was used, in her back yard.

Now that Bruce Nuclear has boiled most of the water out of Lake Huron she thinks the stored waste might be a threat to her precious lake.

Yes Marti, it is a threat, but let me assure you that the plant itself was and is a much bigger threat.  You should have considered this problem thirty years ago, before you had the chance to accumulate all of the thousands of tons of waste that were produced to brighten up your living room.

Blinded by the light?  You made this bed Marti, so don’t bitch about having to sleep in it.  You cannot check out, and you can never leave.

And don’t say we didn’t warn you.  In 1976 we published a book on the subject – Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age.  Take a look at the 2012 updated Second Edition:


Monday, October 14, 2013

Democrats Duped

U.S. Democrats and the Left Wing Media are cheering as they play along with President Obama.  They believe that their hero is a master in a game of brinkmanship.  His fans will discover after the fact that they were dead wrong.  Potus is playing for keeps.

Obama is NOT marching to the same drummer as are his dupes in the Democratic Party.  He needs chaos in order to justify a declaration of Marshall Law.  U.S. debt default will unhinge the entire planet … Anarchy… Chaos.

Many years ago, U.S. President John Adams told us that Democracy eventually commits suicide, and he was quoting Herodotus from BC 500.

I didn’t think I would live to see it happen.


Tuesday, October 08, 2013

More Greenhouse Gas PLEASE

Cars today put out the lions share of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) produced by humans.  Catalytic converters have made carbon dioxide odorless.  And fuel efficiency laws have cooled it off so that it floats around at ground level where you are.

Today, it’s killing you odorlessly.  Want to help with the global warming problem?  Get rid of your three cars.

Or why not lobby for an auto carbon tax?  Let’s add 25% to the price of gasoline because you are the cause of the non-existent greenhouse gas super lie.

Tree huggers should love carbon dioxide because it grows trees. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and use it to produce oxygen.  You breathe in oxygen and use it to produce carbon dioxide.  No carbon dioxide … no oxygen … no humans and no trees.


Integrity Explained

In 2009, the Dean (now retired I hope) of the University of Toronto Rotman School of Business set about to explain the modern meaning of the word “integrity”.  This is what he said:

He described integrity as an analog.  You can have “a bit” of integrity, but you are a better person is you have “a lot” of integrity.

I believe that integrity was a precious gift.  You either had the gift or you didn’t.  The gift is all but dead today, so most cannot even describe what it once was.  Sadly, the Dean appears to fall into this unfortunate category.

Perhaps the Dean gets the credit for hiring a Muslim ethics professor to teach our sons and daughters in what one was a Judeo-Christian land.

I don’t like to think that I might be the one out of step, but I don’t agree with the Dean and I don’t think of myself as an infidel.

The few young people today who refuse to bend their truth cannot make it at Rotman.  Muslims and those with “a bit” of integrity are able to pass the ethics course.

“A bit” of integrity?


Monday, October 07, 2013

Praying For a Quake?

Japan has pumped hundreds of tonnes of cooling water into its wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant every day since the giant nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011.  There is no way to clean up this highly radioactive dangerous water, so it is stored by the millions of gallons in endlessly growing fragile plastic tank farms at the site.

One good earthquake and all that water will all be in the Pacific.  Even a tremor will do.  It’s easy to predict that this will happen.  Japan has built fifty nuclear plants on one of the most active earthquake fault lines in the world.  After the quake, the stored water will be gone but the tragedy is forever.

I can hear it now.  It’s like an echo: “It’s not our fault.  There was an earthquake”.


Sunday, October 06, 2013


Why is President Obama so bent on the destruction of the U.S. Constitution along with the very fabric of the American way of life?  Two reasons I can think of:

First, the U.S. President is following the wishes of a deluded electorate that forcefully and deliberately chose tribalism over the remnants of the Christ mentality that created the greatest nation on earth.  Their compulsion was as clear as the difference between black and white.

Secondly, the President has acted on the advice of his Pastor.  His religious mentor was also deliberate when he cried: “God bless America?  No … God DAMN America”.

Obama has stirred the crazed and starving in North Africa.  Israel, the Pope and all of Europe will pay the price for “Obama Spring”.

The U.S. will be thrown into chaos when both Republicans and Democrats are forced to realize that President Obama will veto everything that crosses his desk in their current irresponsible crisis - Obamacare or no Obamacare.

The lame duck President’s mandate comes from the people and his task is to bring the U.S. to tribal equivalence with his multitude of  half-brothers and sisters from his many homelands.  U.S. Civilization into tribal chaos in a single Presidential term.

Dam Nation.


Outsource - Insource - Implode

We have outsourced our jobs (entry level to PhD) and we have insourced migrant workers to toil in our fields and at our doughnut shops.  As a result, our best and the brightest in the world (our young people) are left to scrawl graffiti on the relics of a civilization that once cared.

Seniors serve us at Burger Palaces where teens once held sway.  Highly educated Canadian University graduates are unemployed – their jobs outsourced for slave wages.

Canadian universities turn away our young people in favor of wealthy foreigners who pay more to attend the institutions we struggled to build for our sons and daughters.

Our youth pay the price as we wallow in the cheap luxuries of “free trade”.  If we cared we would mine iron ore, produce steel, stamp out fenders and harvest our own crops.

Canada is unique in that it has all of the resources it needs.  We could restrict our borders and rescue our young people.  If we cared about our children we would set about to reduce our imports of people, services and manufactured goods.  We would shut down the outsourcing of jobs until we achieved full employment for all Canadians.

This is urgent and obvious … and greed dictates that it could never happen.

Kiss your cherished way of life goodbye.


Friday, October 04, 2013

Terrorism Tools: Trains and Buses

Yesterday it was a “ghost train” wreaking havoc in Chicago.  The commuter train was out of service, locked and driverless when it managed to ram head on into a parked passenger train while going the wrong way down the tracks.  It had breached seven fail-safe automated crash prevention systems, each of which should have stopped the driverless train.  Thirty to hospital.

Not long ago in Canada, a speeding driverless freight train blew up after it derailed precisely at the center of a small town.  Massive explosive fireballs burned for two days out of control.  The disaster ripped the heart out of the community.  Over forty deaths.

In Ottawa, a new double-decker bus mysteriously ground itself into the side of a moving passenger train throwing lifeless bus passengers onto the railway tracks.

In Santa Monica California, a bus powered by liquid natural gas (LNG) was attacked by a crazed terrorist who sprayed it with automatic gun fire.  LNG is so violently explosive that he would have blown several city blocks into the ocean if a bullet had penetrated the fuel tank on the bus.  Los Angeles runs TV ads flaunting its environmentally friendly fleet of natural gas powered buses.

Computer chips from North Korea; vehicle control software from Saudi Arabia; and drug addicts at the automated rail switching desks.  We have outsourced our security to the enemy and greed dictates that we cannot get it back.

Wake up North America.  We have a ground transportation terror problem.  Trains don’t leave the station on their own.  LNG in our cities is like a red flag to a bull.


God Gone

The Bible tells us that God’s blessing is gone because we don’t follow His rules.  So we are to blame.  I don’t believe this.  I think it’s the other way around.

This generation is in a hell of a mess because God decided to abandon planet Earth.

We are all victims.  I plead Not Guilty.


Obama on Obamacare

He has renamed it “The Affordable Care Act” in case it’s another of his many brainstorms that ends up in the trash heap.

He is proud of the fact that in Kentucky alone, 11 million people called on Day One to sign up.   He neglects to point out that the remainder will be going to jail because he made it illegal to fail to enroll.


Thursday, October 03, 2013

The West: A Terrorism Death Wish

Today, Muslim terrorists are quick to tell our thirsty western liberal media that Canadians, Americans and Brits are often in command of their death squads as they commit atrocities across the world.  Sadly, I believe that this may be true.  The scale and sophistication of recent attacks suggests educated leadership that cannot have its roots in primitive Muslim countries.

Do we really educate terrorists?  We educate everyone.  How do terrorists gain entry to Western countries?  In Canada in 2001, the Liberal Immigration Minister told the world that terrorists, criminals and refugees with false documents were all welcome in Canada.  Canadians later rejected their Liberal government. Today, Canuks appear to be waffling.

Many believe that the American President is a Muslim, or at the very least sympathetic to Islam.  Britain is a terrorist basket case.

We in the West refuse to accept the reality that our precious freedom cannot be force-fed to nations deeply mired in ancestral inbred tribalism.

So we educate and they annihilate.  The Western Death Wish.


For The Birds

Bird lovers tell us that 269 million birds are killed in Canada every year.  I’ll bet you immediately bristled at the thought of the ducks that died needlessly in the Alberta Tar Sands.  The story made headlines world wide.  They went ballistic at National Geographic.

Nope – the biggest culprit – cats.  Cats kill millions of birds In Canada every year.

Speaking of millions – the evil Tar Sands guys paid millions in fines for bumping off 1600 ducks.  No, not 16 million ducks – 1600.

Just think of the tax revenue potential hidden in murderous fluffy kittens.  First you license them and then you issue thousands of dollars in fines if a Cat Catcher catches your cat on the doorstep.  Outside is enough.  Guilty.

Tar Sands, Wind Turbines and LNG plants didn’t even make it onto the Bird Killer List.

Seen a cat outdoors lately?  See a cat kill a bird?  I’ve got a bridge …


Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Obama Monkey Wrench

In years past, Shiite Iran had no friends at the Sunni UN.  Jewish Israel had no friends at the UN and the U.S. had no friends at the UN.   The U.S. and Israel were allies.  Iran was the odd man out.

That was yesterday.  What’s new?  Obama is new.  Under his presidency Israel is on its own.  Obama is a hero at the UN.  North African Sunni countries are in chaos and the U.S. President has just cozied up to Shiite Iran.  Everything is topsy-turvy and more lives are sacrificed every day.

Not to worry though.  Tomorrow, Barry (Obama) will deny all of this.


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Obama The Fence Mender

Who says the U.S. President refuses to compromise?  He reached across a thousand year divide when he called the Shiite President of Iran for phone pleasantries.

Unfortunately his record at home leaves a bit to be desired.  Even Democrats stopped cheering after his intransigence spawned a total U.S. Federal Government shutdown.

Sorry folks.  In the Arab world Obama has spelled total chaos.  He didn’t mend their fences.  He pitted Muslim against Muslim – tore their fences down.

In Washington he plays golf while the American dream goes up in smoke.


Hurricanes Anyone?

We are passing the peak of the U.S. Hurricane Season and … nothing.  Some say that if we get off to a late start, nature makes up for it in destructive terms when the storms do arrive.

Be vigilant if you live in Florida, Louisiana or Texas.  It ain’t over till it’s over.
